Middle School Report

Middle School Team News

We have hit the ground running in the Middle School as we enjoy our new and improved view of the world with the changes in the buildings and grounds surrounding D block.

Our heritage listed D block remains as a relic from the 50s and 60s and reminder of how we first began.

If they ever knock it down, we may find the Dead Seas Scrolls buried underneath!

We just had our Fair Go Sport Athletics last Friday which was a terrific day. Many of our students participated in a multitude of events.

Congratulations to Darebin on winning the day!

To finish off the term we have some guest speakers from Vic Pol and the Pat Cronin foundation to talk about community issues that impact our young people.

Year 10s will need to start to think about Work Experience which takes place in the last week of Term 2 – an opportunity to look into a vocation that appeals as a career option post school.

Our Badges assembly will be held on March 24 – we announce our school leaders for the year!


Kind regards
Middle School Team