Science News - Year 7 Excursion to the Zoo!

Creating Futures Together

Last Wednesday, our Year 7 students and teachers went to Melbourne Zoo on a cold, wet day; however, this did not stop the student's enthusiasm for seeing animals interacting with each other.  


Each class had the opportunity to have a personalized session and they participated in studying “Food chain and webs” and consolidated their learning on this area. 


Many students were able to see many animals in different environments mimicking the real world. It was fantastic to see students happy but tired after they returned. A special Thank-you to Mr Nicholas Molan for organizing the event. 

In other Year level news, the Year 8 students have begun the Senses unit looking at Sound and Light. The students have made their way outside to hear how sound travels in different mediums and have been looking at sound waves with different demonstrations. 


Year 9 students have started to look at the Biology Unit and have been looking at Ecosystems and interactions of Biotic and Abiotic factors. 


Year 10 students have begun either the Psychology or the Physics Units. In Psychology they have looked at different ways of learning, in Physics they have looked at concepts of motion to real-life scenarios - With a focus on car safety and crashes. 


Year 11 Science students are starting to prepare themselves in the different subjects for the exams. 


Our Year 12 students have been doing lots of exam preparation and we wish them well in their final exams. 


Mrs. Melissa Robinson 

Science Co-ordinator