
VENTIA Design Thinking Challenge 

“The Seymour Puckapunyal Youth Partnership 2023 Design Thinking Challenge held at Puckapunyal Military Base was a huge success. The partnership consists of Ventia, the Central Ranges Local Learning and Employment Network (CRLLEN), Seymour College, St Mary’s College, GO TAFE’s Vocational Major class and Seymour Flexible Learning Centre.


This year two Seymour College students, Nicholas Drayton and Isabelle Kemp were selected to participate. These students were selected due to their genuine interest in environmental issues and engagement with the Defence Expo earlier last term. They along with students from the cluster of participating schools worked alongside each other and spent the week as ‘consultants’ for Ventia, challenging them to review and develop solutions to real-world business issues. 


The one-week engagement was an opportunity for students to engage in work experience with a difference. Not only empowering students with confidence and purpose but also providing them with invaluable work readiness skills and significant resume content. Students interviewed current staff in a variety of areas, researched possible alternative and measured current practices to develop possible solutions under the guidance of the event facilitator, Carol Fisher. Carol commented that she was impressed with the student’s communication growth and skill development during the week. Brett Kelly, Contract Manager for Ventia celebrated the way the 2023 participants embraced the challenge and was impressed with their conduct, passion, and fresh perspectives. 


Nicky Leitch CEO for CRLLEN added that The Seymour Puckapunyal Youth Partnership, which began in 2016, represents an ongoing commitment to connect local schools and TAFE students with vocational opportunities. With the national service provider, Ventia being the regions second largest employer, the partnership is an example of how local businesses and educational institutions can come together for mutual benefit.”