Principal's Report

Debbie Oliver

Welcome to Term 4! This term is packed full of learning, assessments, excursions, exams, and graduations. We also have students transitioning into the school, across the school and our senior students transitioning into university and the workplace.  This week, I spoke with members of the University of the 3rd Age about the future of education and the challenges that we face in the future. In particular, I spoke about the importance of building a positive narrative for the town of Seymour and Seymour College. Too often, we take for granted what others with fresh eyes see in our town. People new to Seymour have spoken to me about the beauty of the rural aspect, the train service and the proximity to Melbourne, local service and sporting clubs and most importantly, a state-of-the-art college. These are all important elements in helping us address the challenge of a teacher shortage in our education system and our school. We have steadily been employing teachers this year, and we welcome this term Bradley Moedt as our new Primary Campus Manager and Ricky Webster as our Secondary Campus Manager.  We have fully staffed our primary and senior secondary sectors and look with confidence towards full staffing in 2024.


Debbie Oliver
