Secondary News

Year 7 Humanities
Throughout the second part of Term Three, Year 7 Humanities students studied all aspects of life in Ancient Egypt. We covered all areas from the Great Pyramid at Giza, the Sphinx, the Pharaohs, life and times of various social classes, the role of the Nile River as an integral part of daily life and survival, religious beliefs and practices, warfare and death and the afterlife. Part of our studies also involved better understanding the process of Mummification and what the funeral and burial rituals of the Egyptians were.
As a culmination of this study, we made our own mummies from playdough and wrapped them with amulets in their wrapping to signify the important steps of the process. A couple of students also tried to make the canopic jars which the internal organs would have been stored in, ready for the afterlife.
Did you know the ancient Egyptians used to dry out the bodies with salt and in the hot Egyptian air for 70 days before putting the body in their coffin?
It was a fun lesson, albeit a little tricky with fresh playdough (dried would have been better – the Egyptians had the right idea!) but it was a great way to finish off our studies for the term.
Mrs Altmann
Experiential Learning
On Friday 13th October, the Experiential Learning Program was lucky enough to have David Bourne and Paul McDonald in to demonstrate how to shear the sheep and class the wool. All the students had a go at shearing with the guidance of David and Paul. It was great to see the student's willingness to gives things a go that made them push themselves.
After shearing, the students were given the task of removing the lavender from the front of the school. We learnt about the importance of teamwork and persistence to finishing a task.
Farewell to Year 12
Last Friday we farewelled our Year 12 students.
We wish them all the very best for their upcoming exams. A great 'Muck Up' day was held with quite a lot of pranks played!!
Year 12 students also created a photoshop display of their teachers.