
Physical Science 5/6
This term students are learning about circuits and switches. They have created a complete circuit to make the light glow, the fan spin and even included a switch to be able to turn these on and off.
Mr Dave McLeish
Year 5/6 Transition Days
“On Tuesday we had a transition with the Grade 5/6s from St Malachys and Apsley. The first ever transition we had was the Grade 6s who went with Mrs Altmann and the Grade 5s with Mr Mcleish for PE. We played this kickball sort of game and I think the Grade 6s had English. The second time we had Mrs Stringer and we did drama. The third time the Grade 5s went to Art with Miss Campbell to make bookmarks that turned out great. The Grade 6s went to cooking. We then swapped over and I went to cooking and the others went to Art. We made pin wheels which were the best! Over all the days have been amazing and I loved to spend time with the other Grade 5s.”
Ivy Linto
Year F/1 Investigative Play
Last week we had a special visitor in our class. Ms Thornton's daughter Violet taught us all how to make Origami claws. Thanks Violet.