College News

Class of 2023
Congratulations to an amazing bunch of year 12 students who graduated last Thursday evening. An amazing graduation ceremony was organised by Paris Hardwick, assisted by other teachers and staff at the College, thank you for your efforts.
Most of the Year 12s now have a very busy month in front of them studying and sitting exams. Everybody in the learning community at Edehope College wish you all the best over this time and into the future, whatever career you choose. To those students not sitting exams, you’ll be looking to get straight out into the workforce now so we also wish you all the very best. Whenever you get a chance please call back into the college because we love hearing how ex-students are going with their careers.
To all the staff that helped these students on their journey, be it Edenhope College or other schools/kindergartens/early childhood centres, thank you so much for your efforts in guiding these students.
Future Funding School Upgrade Project
On Tuesday the 17th of October we had the visiting architect and the Department of Education architect visit our school and begin the two and a half year process of redeveloping our learning environment. Architects spoke with individual teaching areas to work on the most engaging remodelling for classrooms and our learning spaces. The time frame for the school upgrade will involve preliminary plans and then more extensive plans in 2024 as well as securing contractors through a tender system. We most probably won’t see any building until the start of 2025, but moving forward from there building completion should take around 18 months, so the finished product will be around the middle of 2026.
Term 4
For the remainder of Term Four we welcome Chad Frost into the role of acting principal and Rachel Munro into the role of acting assistant principal. The flow of the school won’t notice any change as both of those staff have a major role in running the current school. It will be a busy but exciting term with a multitude of camps, a community opening of our new Yarning Circle, the Head Start program for our 2024 year 11 and 12 students, as well as various transition programs for Kinder students and Year 6 students moving into Year 7. Also keep clear the 13th of December which is our school Awards night which will be held in the local town hall.
School Multisports Oval
The multisports oval come up a treat when Hamilton contractor Country Lawns Australia did our yearly maintenance in the school holidays. Country Lawns Australia were $8000 cheaper than our normal contractor (Melbourne), and did a better job, so it pays to shop around!!
School Council and Parents and Friends 2024
Thank you to all the current School Council members who will continue to serve into 2024. The school appreciates your direction and commitment to govern and make the school a more engaging learning environment. Some will continue into their second year whilst others will finish their two year term, so for everyone out there not on the School Council please have a bit of a think about nominating yourself for a position from March 2024 onwards.
A big thank you goes to our Parents and Friends group who have organised functions throughout 2023. Once again the school really appreciates all the efforts of the parents on this committee and the people that have attended our functions. The Parents and Friends group have the same aim as a School Council and that is to make all decisions and actions based around improving student outcomes.
Thank you - Edenhope College Staff!
As this is my last week before I go long service leave I would just like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff at Edenhope College and wish you the best for the rest of the year!
Trevor McClure