Netball and rowing information
Netball and rowing information
The Term Four competition start this Saturday at Pedrina Park. The draw is attached below, and teams have been uploaded to the Team Chat for the students to check their team, which was also announced on Tuesday. Training is on at lunchtime on Tuesdays, and it is important that players are ready, on time, and participating strongly. We do not have an abundance of numbers in each team, so it is important that if any player is away that they find a fill-in and let their coach and myself know ahead of time.
There will be no game on the weekend of the Melbourne Cup and the final game is the last Saturday in November.
Registrations are due now, as are the signed forms that were put on the Team Chat. Registrations must be made through the Netball Connect App – please search the association (Hamilton Netball Association) and then select Junior Competition. If VNA has already been paid this year it will be $45. If not, the fee is $105. VNA insurance is a yearly fee that is charged on a calendar year basis, so it is always best if a student plays in multiple competitions (eg. Term 1 and 4, club netball etc).
Thank you to the volunteers – again – you are an amazing help in getting our teams on the court!
Thank you to the families that attended the rowing information session this week.
The start of the season is fast approaching. Training for returning rowers begins on Tuesday, 10 October and all beginners will start the following week, Tuesday, 17 October.
IMPORTANT: If you have a child planning on rowing, please note that the Operoo sign-up is due next Tuesday.
If you do not have the Operoo link or would like more information, please email