Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning
- Mrs Susan Bradbeer
Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning
- Mrs Susan Bradbeer
The Power of Reflection
Reflection is an important skill to nurture. Learning the practice of reflection on learning and life invites people to engage in a thoughtful relationship with the world. Our focus in teaching and learning at the College is to help us all become skilled in the art of reflection.
According to Bailey and Rehman (2022),
“Research shows the habit of reflection can separate extraordinary professionals from mediocre ones. We would go as far as to argue that it is the foundation that all other soft skills grow from.”
Bailey and Rehman focus on three areas of reflection: surprise, frustration, and failure. Being able to identify how these emotions inform who we are and influence our practices is important. This process of reflection is part of what we do as educators and this term we are inviting our students to join us in this process.
During term four students from years 7-11 will write a student learning reflection comment. This is an opportunity for each student to reflect on their academic progress and their involvement in College life beyond the classroom. We continue to review and refine how we work with our students to ensure that they are growing and developing in their knowledge and skills. This year we have moved to Continuous Reporting, so both students and parents can read feedback and grades online in real time. There is no more waiting to the end of term or a Student Parent Teacher Interview time to discuss learning outcomes. We believe the addition of student learning reflection comments will offer our College a record of the self-awareness, and willpower that each student exhibits, and their growth as indivudals.
If you would like to improve your success in work and life. Reflect on the experiences of surprise, frustration, and failure that you encounter and take one small step towards long lasting, positive change.
Do not Underestimate the Power of Self-Reflection (