Principal Report

Welcome Back to Term 4 !

Capital Works Project update

Unfortunately after returning from the school holidays we were informed that we were unable to move into our new stage B classrooms as we had hoped. There are further adjustments that need to be made to the external windows of the new classrooms and I am hoping to have more information around timelines after the next Capital works meeting.

Whilst it has been disappointing to receive this news it has been wonderful to gain the main hallway and plan for how we are going to use this space.

I want to thank the school community for your continued patience and flexibility as we negotiate this complicated phase of the project. We are really looking forward to being able to host you and share with you our wonderful new learning spaces.

Student Leadership meetings

Last term I met with our student leaders, Jed, Massimo and Livian, to discuss ideas to support student well-being and brainstorm ideas for our recess and lunchtimes. It was wonderful to hear which activities the students enjoy and how we can incorporate their ideas into our program. We plan to meet again in week 5 to discuss developing a student led whole school event in the areas of art and music for the end of the year.

World Teachers' Day

World Teachers’ Day is held annually on 5th October to celebrate all teachers around the globe. With the theme "The teachers we need for the education we want: The global imperative to reverse the teacher shortage", the 2023 celebrations will aim to put the importance of stopping the decline in the number of teachers and then starting to increase that number at the top of the global agenda. This is a day to celebrate the transformative and critical role that teachers play in growing learners potential. A big thank you to our dedicat teaching team here at Belmore, it is always a pleasure visiting classrooms to see a wide variety of dynamic learning opportunities as well as the engagement from our wonderful students. 


Amanda White
