Principals` Message

Week 10 news

Looking back over the past ten weeks we have had a jam-packed term. Across Foundation to Year 6 we have hosted the firefighters, musical performances, cultural incursions (drumming, first nations, hip hop), guest speakers and senior students from Wurun campus during recess.I have seen our students celebrate, laugh, smile and thoroughly immerse themselves learning through rich experiences that bring learning to life. I have been very impressed by how much our students have been able to participate in over the past weeks.


Thank you to the families who have been able to attend our assemblies during the second half of the Term. I know it can be difficult for parents/carers to attend and get around work commitments, but it is great to have those who can come attending. Assemblies help to build school culture and common understanding, such as about our school Values of Respect, Courage and Empathy and our School Agreements. 


Our students have again improved in showing positive audience behaviours at assemblies and this time 5/6 C were the recipients of the special privilege of an extra 10 mins for showing those behaviours the best. I look forward to continuing to develop and build assemblies in Term 4 and warmly invite everyone who can come to join in. Assemblies will continue to take place at 3pm every two weeks, with the next assembly on Tuesday 10th October.


Next Term there will be some changes taking place with some of our staff: 

  • Severine Sors Marcel will be leaving Fitzroy Primary so that she can pursue her full time Master of Teaching over the next two years
  • Danielle Cardas will be teaching French to both 3-4D and 3-4J. Elvira Ralston-Ellis will teach English to 3-4D. Jasna Dixon will return from her leave to teach English to 3-4J
  • Physical Education classes for all students will be taught by Amy Giles instead of Kelly Sports and Elodie Mouawad, who will be on leave in Term 4 

I would like to thank Severine for her contributions to our school over the past three terms and wish her well for her studies. We welcome Elvira back to our school to continue in her role of teaching in the 3-4 classes. We will also be welcoming Elodie Piquet to our team in the capacity of Education Support. We look forward to having Elodie start in our classes next term.


As we finish Term 3 and move into Term 4 we welcome the return of Spring and Summer. So far we have had a great week of warm weather and it is a good time to remind students and families that we need to start dressing in uniform to match the weather conditions. All students are required to wear a blue or yellow school hat in Term 4, as per the SunSmart policy, whenever they are outside . Hats need to be either broad brimmed or a legionnaires hat (with a neck flap attached to the hat). Students who do not have a hat will need to stay in the quiet passive play area to stay in shade during break times. Parents/Carers please make sure hats are labelled with names for easy return if they are misplaced.


The building project in the George St building continues to make steady progress. I recently visited and was able to see the progress so far. I am happy to see that plasterboard is being installed upstairs and the framing is almost finished downstairs. The new staff room and lift structure has now been installed as well. We have also recently had confirmation that the proposed landscaping will be included in the project which will vastly improve the outside environment for our children next year. I have also been informed that CitiPower will be upgrading the power for the Napier St building over the holidays, which will allow the lift to be commissioned and used for mobility impaired people or for prams. It is good to see this progress taking place and I look forward to further changes next term. 


-Nathan Moore & Andrea Hennessey