Grade 3/4 News
Week 2, Term 4
Grade 3/4 News
Week 2, Term 4
'Be Awesome Day' will be held in Week 5, Friday the 3rd of November. Please remember to send in your donations as soon as possible so that we can make sure we have enough supplies to cater for 800+ people. Thankyou so much to all those who have donated to their stall so far!
Mathematics: This fortnight, students will learn about 'Fractions and Decimals' in our Fluid Groups. In Applied Maths we will collect and display Data as well as complete a variety of activities involving Probability.
Writing & Reading: In Writing, students will look at how to write an effective Recount through the correct use of paragraphs, 'Show Not Tell', connectives, editing and up-levelling. In Reading, we will continue to engage in our small group reading activities as well as our weekly library sessions. Students will also continue to practise their Reading Goals in our regular 'Read-to-Self' sessions.
Topic: We have thoroughly enjoyed exploring our new unit 'Our Island Home' in this first fortnight! Students have been split into small groups and are working to design their own island. This coming fortnight they will begin designing a 'Coat of Arms' as well as give their island a name.