Religious Education News

Bishop Paul Bird Visit to St. Mary’s Parish
On Saturday November 11th at 6pm, Bishop Paul Bird will be attending mass at St. Mary’s. We invite the whole school community to attend this mass and would love our 2023 Sacramental Students in particular to attend so that they can be blessed by the Bishop.
Mission Day
Tomorrow is our Mission Day fete. Please send along small coins for your child to spend on treats, games and activities. All funds raised goes to Catholic Mission.
Prayer Gathering
This week Jodie and Judy will lead us in prayer gathering for Mission Day.
Next week 27th October, all the Grade 5 children will lead us in prayer and the following week we will be led by all the Grade 6 students. The Grade 6 students' Prayer Gathering has changed from Friday the 3rd November to Wednesday 1st. Please check the school dojo for further information on time and location of this prayer gathering.
We pray for our students Vinh and Yvonne who are undertaking their sacraments on Sunday the 29th of October.
Jayne Brumby
Tanya Stewart