Principal's Update

Dear Parents and Carers,
As we near the end of week 3 of our busy term, we continue to think of and pray for those who are affected by the atrocities that are occurring in the Middle East and Ukraine;
Light in the Darkest Times
Loving, ever-living and compassionate God,
You are a light that shines in the darkest times,
Guide us in our sorrow.
You comfort us in times of fear,
You console and lead us in times of doubt and confusion,
May we follow the light of your love and spread hope.
You move our hearts to acts of generosity,
May we be led to share what we have with those in need.
God of life,
We thank you for the signs of your light in the midst of our darkness,
May we be signs of your compassion in the heart of your world.
Mission Day Fete
Tomorrow the children will participate in our annual Mission Day Fete. All money raised will go to Catholic Missions. Parents are most welcome to attend our prayer gathering at 9am and fete activities. Well done to all the senior children for the work they have put into organising stalls and activities for the day. Although it is a fun filled day, it is a great learning experience of social justice for our children.
Welcome to our 2024 Prep parents
This week our 2024 Prep parents have been added to the mailing list and will be reading our Marian News for the first time. We have done this so new families can keep up to date with what is happening in this busy 4th term. On behalf of the St. Mary’s family we welcome you and look forward to having you join our school community in 2024.
Welcome to Yvonne
Since our last Marian News we have welcomed a new student into Gr.6. Yvonne Elia has joined us from Esperance in WA. Yvonne has settled in well and attended our camp to Melbourne. It was a great opportunity for her to get to know her peers.
Prep orientation sessions
Prep orientation sessions for our 2024 students will be held after school hours on Monday 27th November, Tuesday 28th November and Wednesday 29th November. Information will go out in the coming week informing you of which of these sessions you are invited to attend. The children will be back on the morning of Tuesday 12th December. On this day they will meet their Grade 6 buddies.
Pupil Free Day
This term’s pupil free day will be on Monday 6th of November. On this day teachers and staff will be working on various areas of the curriculum and preparing for end of year reports and Learning Conversations.
Grade 6 Camp
Last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday our Grade 6 students attended a camp in Melbourne. It was a great opportunity for the children to experience life in the city. They had a variety of educational experiences including science, history, art, sport, multi-culturalism and modes of transport around the city.
I was fortunate enough to attend the camp and share in all these wonderful experiences. I have to say that I was extremely proud of all the children for the way they behaved and conducted themselves throughout the camp. As parents you should be very proud of them also. They were very respectful and cooperative and did everything that was asked of them. Thanks to Jodie, Dan, Susie, Maegen, Laura and Janelle for all the hard work they put into making it such a memorable experience for the children.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Michael Mahoney (Principal)