Mandarin News

Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China, or Wanli Changcheng in Chinese, is one of the most famous and historical landmarks in China. Spanning over 21,196 kilometres, it’s no surprise that it’s one of the most well-known structures in the world.
The Great Wall was constructed over around two millennia and dates back to the 3rd century. It was originally built as a border wall between neighbouring countries for protection against invaders and raids. One common misconception about the Great Wall is that it is just one long wall; when in fact, it actually consists of multiple walls all over China. It became a UNESCO heritage site in 1987.
Nowadays, the wall is mainly a tourist attraction, but it’s more than just a pile of bricks. The building of the Great Wall is one of the most significant achievements in human history, and today is a world-famous landmark visited by millions. So if you ever go to China, who knows - you might get to experience the Great Wall of China for yourself! Watch this video for more information.
By Anna, Mandarin Captain
Chinese shuttlecock (毽子jianzi)
Chinese shuttlecock (jianzi)is a traditional Chinese sport in which players aim to keep a heavily weighted shuttlecock in the air using their feet apart from the hands. It can be played individually or in a group.
Picture of the Chinese shuttlecock lunch club: