Year Four Team News

with Rebecca, Katie & Matt

Hello Year Four families,

School Hats in Term 4

With the weather warming up, please ensure your child brings their school sun hat to school for outside play during Term 4. It is imperative that students wear their hats outside and per the school policy, any students not wearing their hats during recess or lunch will need to stay in designated shaded areas. We also ask that you ensure your child’s name is on their hat, too.


French is back!

Please note that the end of Term 3 also sees the conclusion of the Kitchen Garden program for this year. Term 4 will see French lessons resume, so there will be changes to the specialist timetable. Those changes will be added to the newsletter next term for your convenience.


Fortnightly Curriculum Focus

Literacy: The Grade Fours have been learning about poetic devices and writing their own poetry in Writing. They have looked at poems such as Limericks and Cinquain poems, and also looked at puns, neologisms and spoonerisms.


Reading has had the students finishing their novel study on Storm Boy by Colin Thiele. The students analysed the book, discussing the characters and setting, creating their own conversations between characters and reviewing the book too. Thursday in Week 10 students watched the movie giving them a different perspective and version of the story. They also discussed some of the similarities and differences between the two. 


Numeracy: Chance and Probability was the focus in Week 9 for Numeracy. Students had the chance to do many hands-on activities. Just a few examples of these are a Scoot where students move around to different stations to answer a range of questions, cup flipping and coin flipping. They also discussed the change in probability (dependent and independent) when pulling out a red coloured counter if the previous counter was not returned to the container.


Inquiry: Week 9 saw the students take a small detour on the sun, moon and earth. They paired up and researched space exploration, sharing their findings with their class. Students presented their research on the International Space Station, Space X, Apollo 11, Sputnik 1, Voyager 1 & 2, and many others! The Grade Fours shared interesting facts and asked insightful questions.


Important Dates Coming Up

3rd of October (Tuesday): G.A.T.E.WAYS



If you are able to send a box of tissues with your child to school it would be greatly appreciated.


Homework (Repeat) 

Students in Year 4 receive their homework on a Monday and are required to complete and hand in the following activities on the Friday of the same week. 


Homework tasks include:

  • Reading – four nights per week for a minimum of 15 minutes. Students are to record the book titles for the week on the Reading Log sheet.
  • Maths – playing the number games learnt in class at home to continue building number sense and revising learnt skills.
  • Spelling – suggested activities to help practise the words that your child has chosen.
  • Problem Solving/Critical Thinking – a fun puzzle or problem to solve.

Warm regards,

The Grade Four Team - Matt Eason-Jones (4E), Rebecca Givogue (4G)  & Katie Simeon (4S)