Positive Education @ Anson

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

Sometimes it is hard to always be positive especially when things don't go our way. If things seem unfair our emotions often take over and it is hard to think clearly. 


STOP and look: take a breath, why am I angry/upset/worried?

THINK and listen: problem-solve options, accept help from others.

DO the right thing: make good choices and work through the issue.




PBL Stars for the start of Term 4

Congratulations to these students who have been recognised as respectful, responsible and safe role models for their peers.


Julie Hudson

PBL Coordinator

Deputy Principal



Positive Wellbeing for Learning (PWL)

October was mental health month, and we were reminded of the importance of making our mental health a priority. We are very lucky to have many free services in orange and wider NSW that can help us when we need support with our mental health. Below are some of the many services available and their contact details.


Jenny Rosser

PWL Coordinator

Deputy Principal