Junior School

Junior School Alternate Program Day 

On Wednesday, 30th October (Week 4), at our Term 4 Alternate Program Day the Junior School Students enjoyed the sunny weather, a free BBQ cooked by Rotary and a diverse range of learning activities to explore a Day for Daniel and Money Money Money.   

This day is significant in our work together to deliver a safe supportive and inclusive environment. We embedded The Child Safe Standards into the day with a focus on Standard 9 ‘Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed.’  


The Year 7 Program kicked off with Katie Wilde sharing about how social media impacts our lives how 1 in 2 young people feel lonely. The rest of the day unpacked resources from the Day for Daniel material including, ‘What is safe? What is unsafe?’, ‘Respectful Relationships’, ‘Comparing Bullying vs Online Bullying’ and ‘Internet and the Law’. Students finished the day displaying their knowledge through creation of a poster that could be used around W block.  

The Year 8 alternate program day focusing on key aspects of financial literacy and digital culture, offering students practical tools and insights into managing finances in a world influenced by social media and monetisation. The day included topics on gaming, influencers, and monetisation strategies, exploring how influencers engage audiences and monetise content. 


Students also examined payment methods, comparing the pros and cons of options like cash, credit, and digital payment platforms. Financial literacy sessions introduced saving strategies, comparative shopping techniques, and guidance on weighing financial and non-financial factors when making spending choices.  


Guest speaker, Kate Wilde, spoke on the impact of social media and advertising, highlighting monetisation tactics and mental health considerations. Karlis Zaid, from the Ecstra Foundation, led sessions on practical saving and spending strategies, equipping students with the knowledge to make informed financial decisions. 

Deana Mihalos and Drew Hanna

Junior School Positive Climate Leaders