Key Dates

Monday 18 - Thursday 21 November
Year 10 Exams
Tuesday 19 - Friday 22 November
Year 11 into 12 Step Up
Friday 22 November
Battle of the Bands competition (lunch time)
Tuesday 26 - Friday 29 November
Year 10 into 11 Step Up
Friday 29 November
- Y7&8 Basketball Academy Tournament
- Coburg on the Green
Tuesday 3 December
- Year 8: Opt in RSPCA excursion
- Year 7: Half day online biomimicry program with Royal Botanical Gardens
Wednesday 4 December
- Year 7: 1990s day!
- Year 8: Year Level Day Out
- Year 9: Peer Support & Leadership Development Program Day 1
Thursday 5 December
- Year 7: Half are on Year Level Day Out and half on Design Thinking incursion
- Year 8: 'Survival' themed incursion and local excursion
- Year 9: Peer Support & Leadership Development Program Day 1
Friday 6 December
- Year 7: Half are on Year Level Day Out and half on Design Thinking incursion
- Year 8: 'Survival' themed incursion and local excursion
- Year 9: Work Experience Preparation (Morning) & Celebration afternoon at Coburg Pool
Monday 9 December
Year 7 - 9: Awards Assembly @ Coburg Town Hall & Start of Step Up Program
Tuesday 10 December
Grade 6 Transition Day
(Y7-9 Student Free Day)
Wednesday 11 & Thursday 12 December
Year 7 - 9 Step Up Program
Friday 13 December
Funfields Day Out
Monday 16 December - Friday 20 December
End of Year program
Wednesday 18 December
Reports available online at 4pm
Note: the online Compass calendar has more detailed information about upcoming events and activities; please be sure to refer to that calendar on a regular basis.
Supervision Times
Our hours of operation on a regular school day include before school yard supervision from 8.45-9am, and bus stop supervision until 3.45pm. For any additional times outside these hours such as Breakfast Club and Homework Club, please refer to Compass for updates.