Principal's Report

Art Show 

Our annual Art Show is on Friday November 15th, which is quickly approaching, so we are starting to get organised. 

Every child in the school will have a piece of their artwork on display so we hope that all families will come along and join us in what is always the highlight of the Preston PS calendar. 


School Council is organising the food for the event so we are asking for parents who can help with the setup of the BBQs, the cooking and the selling, and clean up, to volunteer some time. 

  • We are preparing a signup list on SignUp for volunteers to help on the night and will send a separate newsfeed with the link information.  It would be great to get lots of helpers to spread the load and we hope lots of families can set aside an hour between 3.00pm and 7.30pm to help us. 

Whole School Event Day 

Last Thursday’s whole school event day was overwhelming success.

Olivia S, 6AB
Olivia S, 6AB


The day started with the final of our Preston’s Got Talent competition. All of the performers were amazing and certainly very talented. The winner of Preston’s got Talent was Olivia S from 6AB. 


After the talent competition the children were involved in three rotations: a parade, playing bocce with members of the Bocce Federation Victoria and watching a performance by Michelle. 


I was lucky enough to watch the performance and it was very funny. She took us all on a journey around Rome looking at some of the famous places. There was lots of audience participation which made it fun. 


Thanks to our two Italian teachers, Melinda Langley and Angela Perrone for organising the day. Thanks also to the specialist staff who helped with the organisation. 

Trivia Night 

Last Saturday night we held a Trivia Night for parents and friends. The night was a great success with everyone having lots of fun. Thanks to Bec Gray and Nadia Mecoli for organising the event. 


Thanks also to Renee Turner who worked tirelessly to source a huge number of prizes from local businesses. 

Student Leadership 

We are currently in the process of electing our student leaders for 2025. Today, six of our Year 5 students presented their prepared speeches to the Year 3, 4 and 5 students who then had the opportunity to vote for the person they thought would best represent the school as School Captain. 


The six candidates, Hayden V, Myrna D, Meika L, Alice O, Freida Z and Ava L all did an outstanding job. It is a very challenging experience to stand up and speak in front of 300 of your peers and adults but they all did an outstanding job. This year we are also including an interview component in the process. 


Good luck to all of the candidates! 

Swimming Program 

Next Monday November 4th, the Grade 4 students will start a two-week, intensive swimming program at the Reservoir Leisure Centre. The students will have a lesson each day from Monday through to Thursday. As next Tuesday is Melbourne Cup Day there will be no session. 


Please don’t forget to remind your child that they need to bring their bathers, towel and goggles with them each day. 


We will not be contacting parents to bring forgotten items to school. Please ensure your child has all of their clothing clearly named. 


There will be no assembly at the Senior School next week. The next assembly at the Senior School will be on Monday November 18. 




Janet Paterson
