Last week we saw the farewell to our year 12 cohort.
They had a wonderful week with a plethora of activities that were enjoyed by all.
The week began with a photobooth and self-portrait caricature day, where we witnessed some interesting and outright creative interpretations of themselves.
We had a wonderful morning tea on Tuesday in the staffroom where the staff that had watched them progress from year 7 to year 12 were there to chat and commend them on getting to the end of their secondary schooling.
On Wednesday we had games in the gym competing against the staff, where the teachers attempted valiantly to stay on their feet in a feisty game of dodge ball.
Thursday was our whole school assembly where the student leaders all presented speeches to reflect on their own experiences and contributions to the school.
This culminated in a flash mob dance, choreographed by our amazing Carly Doctor which many staff participated in, including our energetic Principal Team.
All in all, both Ms Campion and myself would like to commend the cohort on the way that they conduced themselves this week, what a great way to end the learning year for them all.
It has been a privilege to lead these students this year, and we look forward to hearing of their future accomplishments moving forward.
Mrs Denise King and Ms Tracey Campion
Year 12 Student Managers
From our College Captain Team
Last week was celebration week for year 12’s, and we kicked off with a number of entertaining and memorable activities.
On Monday, students got creative by customising their BSC uniforms, turning them into unique keepsakes. We gathered in the Hall for a fun photobooth session and created self-portrait caricatures, showing off everyone’s creativity.
Tuesday brought a touch of nostalgia, with students wearing pieces from their primary school uniforms. The day featured a morning tea for year 12 students and staff, with a warm and reflective atmosphere.
Wednesday has a career-oriented twist, as students dressed for their future professions, bringing anything but a bag with them. We saw lawn mowers and pool inflatables among other innovative substitutes for a school bag. Lunchtime was full of excitement as Year 12 students faced off against staff in a lively match of dodgeball in the gym.
On Thursday we had our final assembly not only as college captains, but at year 12’s at BSC and it was an unforgettable experience. Ms Stout’s opening address was truly inspiring, giving us a lot to reflect on as we move forward in life. After that, the college captain speeches followed, where we shared our journey through BSC. As we spoke, many of the Year 12s couldn’t hold back their tears as they too reflected on their time at this wonderful school.
The social team then gave a heartfelt and unique recount of our year group’s path through Brighton Secondary, with some incredible singing from Ming Yang that brought plenty of laughs. We all then watched the Year 12 video, which was a heartwarming and nostalgic tribute to our years at the school. It perfectly captured the essence of our time here, blending humour with touching memories, causing both more tears and a lot more laughter.
Just when we thought the assembly was over, we were in for a surprise – the teachers treated us to a fantastic flash mob that had everyone cheering, laughing, and clapping along. It was the perfect ending to our final assembly at BSC. After being clapped out of the gym by the other students, we gathered to ring the final bell and celebrate together as a cohort.
It was such an incredible experience not only for us as year 12s, but for students in younger year levels also, to see the Brighton Secondary Community come together in such a spectacular way. I believe the assembly really reflected the values of the school and emphasised all the hard work that has been put in over the last few months by our school leadership team, staff, and students to ensure the school is a place that celebrates achievement, welcomes the community, and enables everyone to feel safe and supported within its bounds.
Thank you, Ms Stout, for your wonderful, thought-provoking speech, we are so lucky to have had the opportunity to work with you this year, and the school community have felt your passion and dedication in helping us all to succeed.
Thank you to the principal team and staff who helped put this all together. Thank you to Jenna and Amber who spent so much time preparing for the final assembly and even organised a big screen to properly show case our memories.
Thank you to Ms King for her support over the last few weeks, and for her kindness over what has been - for lots of us - a challenging few months.
Thank you to all the parents who were able to make it to the assembly, and I do extend that thank you to parents who couldn’t make it, as we could feel your pride and support regardless.
I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to give an address to the community, it is always really hard to put into words the impact the school community has had on my life, it has quite literally formed me in to the person I am today, and I am just so grateful to have been able to stand up on the stage with my team of phenomenal leaders and feel so proud of all that we – as a year level – have achieved throughout our time at Brighton.
Sitting up on that stage looking at my year level was such a bittersweet feeling, we have grown up with each other, made mistakes together, laughed together, and cried, and now we leave the school as adults ready to enter the world. I know as a cohort we are so grateful for the effort the staff put in to making this final celebration one we could never forget.