“Every ending is a new beginning”
It’s a little quieter at BSC this week, as our Year 12s end their VCE and IB programs and begin their exam season.
Last week was an exciting one, with a focus on celebrating our Year 12s and their final week of high schooling! As you’ll see later in Highlights, across the week we held a range of fun activities with our Year 12s, culminating in a vibrant whole school assembly on Thursday, and a big family breakfast on Friday. It was fantastic to have so many of our parents join us across the week and even the rain on Friday morning didn’t dampen our spirits! I would like to say a big thank you to our Year 12s for their excellent participation and positive energy across the week; we wish them all the best as they get ready for the weeks ahead. Ahead of our VCE students, our IB students have already begun their exams; they are well prepared and raring to go, so we wish them good luck as they embark on this final stage of their IB diploma studies.
Last Thursday our Basketball Academy students proudly showed off their new academy uniforms in their first interschool academy tournament, held at MSAC. Our students performed admirably, winning a number of their games, but more important than any win, they represented the college with pride, demonstrating great sportsmanship, positive attitudes and strong teamwork. After only a term’s play, it’s wonderful to see the academy embedded into our college sports program, and our students making the most of this opportunity to extend themselves.
On Tuesday we held our spring Music concert and it was lovely to see and hear our students perform once again. Performance is a key element of instrumental learning and provides motivation to practise and develop skills, so I know our students really appreciate the opportunity to play and share their skills with our community.
I’m delighted to announce that Mr Danny Chalk was recently appointed substantive Assistant Principal at BSC. As you know, Danny has been acting in this role since term two, and he has demonstrated outstanding leadership and support of our community in his short time in the role. I know the college will benefit enormously from his continued leadership work into 2025 and beyond; congratulations, Danny!
Finally, today is World Teachers’ Day. The teaching profession has changed enormously over the past few decades, with increasing role complexity and socio-emotional demands reflecting the changing nature of society and the communities in which we live. Teachers continue to play a key role in nurturing, developing and guiding our young people, and today we held a morning tea to acknowledge the tremendous work our teachers do for our students at BSC. On behalf of our entire BSC community, I would like to thank our wonderful team and wish them all a Happy World Teachers’ Day!
Anne Stout
Interim Principal