BBPS Life: Remembrance Day

 Lest We Forget

Oscar (1B): "Remembrance Day is important because it honors the people who went to war to save our land. We remember the soldiers from lots of countries who didn't come back from wars. "


Vivi R (1B): "Today the grade ones said a poem and two of the people from each class were called up to speak on the microphone about why Remembrance Day is important and what we have discovered about the history of Remembrance Day. We have a special ceremony to respect our elders and the past and what they have done for our country. The one minute of silence was the most important part because we are remembering and respecting the people who died."


Ted (1W): "Remembrance Day also honors people who returned from war. War was very dangerous and difficult for people who went overseas to fight. Remembrance Day started after World War one, but now we remember all the different wars."


Jack 6C "The Remembrance Day Commemoration was important because we  remember the people who sacrificed their own lives for our country. My role in the assembly was to explain how the soldier's fought in World War One. "


Luke D 6C "I read part of the poem In Flander's Feilds, which was about the poppies that grew in the battlefield on the graves of the soldiers who died. That's why people wear a poppy on Remembrance Day."






Other learning and activities around the school


Prep and Grade 1



Grade 2



Amy And Weidi
Amy And Weidi



Clio and Alice
Clio and Alice


Oscar and Addison
Oscar and Addison


Grades 3 and 4




Grades 5 and 6







Other news from our school community


Some of our Grade 1 students have been growing their own vegetables. This is a great way to boost both physical and mental health! Take a look below:



Hugo G - Why it is good to grow your own vegetables? "I grew my own vegetables to save money so we didn't need to buy so much food. You have to plant them and use fertiliser and transplant them into new pots with new soil. I like gardening because it makes me happy and  it is a good way to spend my spare time with my family. My family eats the vegetables. I put some lettuce in my lunchbox and I also sold some to Ms B, who is very excited to try some when she gets home. "



Ned H "My Grandma came over and she had some seeds for carrots and broccolini and we grew them in our garden. My carrots are not ready yet but I am looking forward to trying them. I picked some broccolini and brought some to school to give some to Ms B. I really like growing vegetables because I love to eat them."