Information Evening

Lalor North Secondary College Year 7 Information Evening
Lalor North Secondary College held our Information Evening in November. Joining us in the Flexible Learning Centre was the students and their families to learn more about our programs, meet our staff, and get any of their questions answered.
We were excited to see the packed room, and the anticipation built as leading staff talked about the programs and plans for 2025.
There was a lot of conversations had, and very happy students and families by the end of the evening.
(Year 10 Peer Support Leaders)
“Good evening, everyone my name is Elijah I am a year 10 peer support leader here at Lalor North Secondary College.
Some of the reasons why I myself became a peer support leader was because of my past experiences. For example, when I first came up to high school, I came with the same group of friends that I started primary school with. So yes, I felt comfortable knowing I wasn’t alone but at the same time we were all new to high school. And so, for us we all had our older cousins and siblings who would mentor us and showed us around the school. Whenever we needed someone to talk to, they were always there for us. I wanted to become a peer support leader for those who don’t have older siblings or someone who they could rely on.
This year, I have been working with year 7 students. The class I was assigned to was 7B. I have had the privilege of watching these year 7 students who when I first met them, were terrified of high school, to now grow and mature.
For those who are still wondering what peer support is, peer support are student leaders who help and mentor year 7s but also work and develop their leadership skills. Basically, what we are is your older brothers and sisters at Lalor North secondary college,
This is great for if you have concerns or general questions, you want to talk about it but don’t want to go to a teacher. You can find us around the school, and we would be more than happy to sit down and work things out with you”.
by Elijah Atina 10C