School News

Colour Run
A heartfelt thank you to the community for getting around the Colour Fun Run and making it such a joyful experience for our students. There were lots of big grins at Alphington Park Incredibly, our fundraising total is now sitting at $23,434. A truly remarkable amount of money!
For all of those families who have made online donations, you have until 30th October to log in to your online accounts and select to make a charitable donation or buy prizes. Since this was a fundraising event, we strongly encourage families to choose to donate to Greenfleet, the charity which our SRC voted to support. This will teach our students that the reward of fundraising is the wonderful feeling of helping a worthy cause. If you do opt for prizes, these will be delivered to school for students to collect. See below for instructions in how to select Green Fleet for your donation.
Please read on to see what members of the SRC loved about our Colour Fun Run!
Eloise, 2L: On Thursday the 24th of October we had the colour run. I liked it because there was an inflatable. It was so cool. There also was an obstacle course.
Aisha & Dakota, 3CB: On Thursday 24th of Oct, we had the COLOUR FUN RUN. There were so many fun things to do! There was an obstacle course and once you did that, you got to get colour bombed with chalk. BEST DAY EVER!
Winston, 5M: On Thursday the 24th, we had the school colour fun run with lots of fun, colour and running! Everybody put on their whitest outfits with Chase the Cheetah. But something was sus… Lizzy was the only teacher not there… Hmmm… We also had inflatables and an obstacle course. In the end, we all had zooper doopers.
Milo, 2L: I loved the paint because it was really colourful.
Jem, 6A: I liked watching the teachers get colour bombed.
Millie, 6A: I liked running around with the buddies.
Sebby, 2D: I liked the colour.
Ella, 5J: I got to spend the day with my friends.
Ayla, 2D: I loved running through the colour.
Honor, 1S: My highlight was doing the obstacle courses.
James, 5M: my hair was super colourful at the end.
Cleo, 1E: I loved eating icy poles.
Miles, 4B: I loved seeing Chase the Cheetah but it was sus that the only teacher missing was Lizzy and Chase had Lizzy’s hair… 🤨🤔
Xavier, 4D: I couldn’t pick a highlight because I liked the whole thing in general.
APS Comedy Night - Tickets on sale now!
A reminder to purchase your Comedy Night tickets. Promises to be a fun filled night!
⭐️APS Comedy Night
⭐️ Sat 9 November 2024 Alphington’s resident comedy genius Sammy J is bringing the crew back to Alphington for the wildly fun & hilarious APS comedy night!
⏰Doors Open: 7.00pm 🤣 Comedy: 8.00pm
🗺️Where: APS Gym
🍷Drinks: Available for purchase – at bar prices
🤩 Note only flat shoes to be worn - it's no laughing matter!
💵Tickets: $35 per person
Canteen Tomorrow
Canteen will run every Thursday this term until stock runs out.
Green Team - bottle and can collection - LAST DAY FRIDAY
Next Friday is the last day for our can and bottle drop off ready for recycling. Please drop to the office. NO GLASS Thank you