Kinder Excursion to Myuna Farm

There was great excitement at kindergarten on Monday 14th October as the children from the 4 year old program headed off on their very first excursion to Myuna Farm.
After our bus trip, during which the children happily shared what they could see out the windows, we arrived at Myuna Farm ready for adventure.
Our first activity was a farm show, where the children were able to pat a chicken and milk a goat.
Next, the children rotated through three activities – visiting the animal nursery, feeding the animals in the paddocks and going on a train ride to the wetlands.
The children talked about what they saw and felt during the activities.
Oscar said “The alpacas eat so fast”.
Ezail patted a sheep and said “It feels like a toy”.
The children did a great job of listening to new instructions in a different setting, and keeping themselves and the animals safe.
When the children returned to kindergarten, they talked about their favourite parts of the day.
Alexander said “Patting the animals and the train ride. I also love feeding the animals”.
Raya said “I liked feeding the animals and also I actually liked the ducks too”.
Jerrick said “I like sheep”.
Harlie said “I like the cute small animal, guinea pig”.
What a fantastic day the children had at Myuna Farm! Several children asked if they could visit again.
A huge THANK YOU to our parent helpers who joined us for the excursion. Your support helped to make the day such a success.