Learning Space News

Term 4 is such an exciting term in the Foundation Learning Space with so many events and activities occurring.
Teachers love Term 4 because it’s a celebration of how far all students have come since the beginning of the year.
Congratulations to everyone for an amazing start to their schooling life at Athol Road Primary School.
Students have been learning about fairytales. They have read a different fairytale each week, whilst participating in fun learning experiences such as ‘What happened to Humpty Dumpty’. Students are getting excited for the upcoming language experiences of growing their own beanstalk when reading ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and building their own house out of straw, sticks or bricks for the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’.
To celebrate the learning about fairytales, there is going to be a dress up day on Wednesday 20th November. Students are encouraged to dress up as their favourite fairytale character on this day.
Students have continued building a strong number sense around numbers to at least 20, building to 100. They have revised concepts, such as addition and subtraction through fun games. They have also revisited other concepts, including measurement, sharing, shape and time.
Students have been learning about their community They have built their knowledge around people and places within their community. Students have been focusing on the key question ‘Where are the important places in my community?’, and will be participating in a variety of excursions and incursions outlined below.
Vet Incursion
A vet visited the learning space and talked to students about how she looks after sick animals at her clinic and helps them get better. She demonstrated how to listen to an animal’s heart beat and how to bandage an animal’s limb if it was injured. Some students were even lucky enough to dress up as a vet, wearing their special gowns, gloves and medical hats. Students know how to keep animals safe and what to do if they become unwell.
Firefighter Incursion
The Springvale South Firefighters paid us a visit! The focus of the day was on fire safety, offering a hands-on learning opportunity.
The firefighters began with a presentation, where they demonstrated the importance of staying low in the event of a fire. They shared practical tips, such as the 'Stop, Drop, Cover, and Roll' technique for handling a clothing fire whilst the students energetically practised the routine.
Then students got a closer look at a firefighter in their specialised gear, providing insight into the everyday challenges and responsibilities of our local heroes.
The highlight of the day for the students was undoubtedly the chance to explore the fire truck and even try their hand at using the fire hose. The student’s smiles and laughter echoed the success of the visit, making it a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.
We extend our appreciation to the Springvale South Firefighters for taking the time to educate and engage with our students. These experiences not only enhance students' understanding of fire safety but also foster a sense of connection with the community helpers who play a crucial role in keeping us safe.
Students are looking forward to more community-based incursions in the coming weeks including an ambulance officer, nurse and a police officer to teach them about their roles in the community. They will also be exploring a local temple and learning about the importance of cultural places within the community.
In Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), students are learning to develop their communication, cooperation, and self-management skills. These skills are the components for successful teamwork, both at school and in the community.
SEL lessons have been incorporating episodes from the popular children’s show Bluey. These episodes are a fun way for children to see how the characters face and then resolve different kinds of social conflicts or tricky situations. The Bluey episodes help to begin group discussions for students to reflect on what happened in the show, and how we can utilise different strategies if we face similar situations in our own lives.
Later in the term, students will be learning about body safety and consent, which are important topics for dealing with risk and harm. We will cover ideas such as body-bubbles, safety networks, and surprises not secrets. These will empower students to be more aware for their own safety.