Chaplain's Corner

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples. Mother Teresa
At Aitken College, we believe in developing all our students to make a positive contribution to the world. This comes from our Christian heritage and ongoing relationship with the Uniting Church in Australia. On Saturday, June 22, the Uniting Church in Australia celebrates its 47th Anniversary, which is the union of the former Methodist, Congregational and Presbyterian Churches. I give thanks for the vision and foresight of the founders of Aitken College and the Uniting Church, who brought that vision into reality. I want to acknowledge the passing of Rev Clem Dickinson, who faithfully served as Chairperson of our Board for 17 and ½ years. We step into the future with hope because of the faithfulness of those who have served us in the past.
May the school holidays be a restful time in which our students return afresh with anticipation for Semester Two.
Rev. Gavin Blakemore.
Winter Appeal
Please remember that some households in our community are having a tough time this winter, and you have an opportunity to make life just that little bit easier.
Over the coming school holidays, you might be cleaning up and find items such as blankets, jackets, sleeping bags, beanies, gloves, and socks that could be donated to charity.
Items and food (ie soup, pasta) can be left in the boxes in the CPA foyer.
Monthly Family Worship
Our faith community has been growing steadily, and invites you to join us at our next gathering on Sunday, 21 July.
Rev. Gavin Blakemore