
Year 10 Students
During this term, Careers in Lifeskills lessons have been delivered to the Year 10 students. Many thanks to the Lifeskills staff for facilitating these classes and for their enthusiastic support of the Aitken Careers program.
Almost all students have now completed their Morrisby profile and we hope this has generated some interesting and useful discussions.
Year 10 students have been given access to 2025 VCE / VCE Vocational Major Handbook and will therefore be aware of the programs and provisional subject offerings for their next two years at Aitken. The VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) and the VCE Vocational Major will be the two program options to choose between for 2025 Aitken Year 11 students. In addition to the information provided in Lifeskills classes, an Information Night and Subject Expo for parents and students for the two programs will be held on Tuesday 16th July.
The decisions being made by Year 10 students during Term 3 are important but there is lots of assistance available to them along the way. Careers staff are looking forward to working again with the students next term and getting to know them a little better during their 30 minute one on one consultations with Careers staff in B21. Please get in touch if you have any queries or concerns.
Year 11 and 12 students
Year 12 students continue to undertake their career and course research as they contemplate their direction at the end of 2024.
The Term Two holidays are an ideal opportunity for Year 12 students to think about applications they might make to Early Entry programs, for example, the La Trobe Aspire Year 11 application and the La Trobe Aspire Community contribution application, VU Early Entry, ACU Guarantee, RMIT Early Offer and Swinburne Early Entry.
The Term Two holidays are also a great opportunity for senior students to give some thought about what life beyond Aitken might look like. Many of the universities and TAFEs are providing on campus school holiday ‘experience’ programs, workshops or tours (advertised in the Careers newsletters) to provide information to students (and their parents) about courses and about their institution. Students should consider attending those they deem relevant (for example):
- Collarts Winter Holiday Workshop Series
- Monash Business Explorer 2024 Day
- Monash Science Precinct tours
- The Tech and Trades Experience Day at RMIT
- A Day in the Life of a Swinburne TAFE Student
- A Day at Melbourne University
- Melbourne Polytechnic Visual Arts Folio Building Workshop
- LCI Melbourne - Ahead of the Seam: Design, Illustrate, Create Workshop
- Create for a Day Holiday Workshop at SAE
- Walk & Talk July Campus Tours at Federation University
We expect, also, to soon have available the Calendar of Open Day dates for July / August of Term 3 which will be emailed to Brookhill students. Try to keep Sundays available for attending these events.
Year 12 Excursion to La Trobe University
This took place on 29th May and was hugely successful. The students were fantastic and an interesting and informative day was had by all. A Report and some photos of the event are in this Newsletter.
Careers News Issues 14, 15, 16 and 17 are available, have been posted on the Careers News Group page in AIMS and include information about:
- A Career as a Business Site Manager
- Group of Eight Universities
- A Career as an Orthoptist
- Certificate III in Travel at William Angliss Institute
- What is a Circular Economy?
- Collarts Winter Holiday Workshop Series – July 2024
- Australian Defence Force Careers
- Criminology and Paralegal Degrees in Victoria in 2024
- La Trobe University Bachelor of Biomedicine majors for 2025
- A Snapshot of Federation University Australia in 2024
- Monash Business Explorer 2024 Day
- Monash Discover Business Webinar
- A Day in the Life of a Swinburne TAFE Student
- A Career as Prosthetists/Orthotists
- Bachelor of Dermal Sciences at Victoria University
- LCI Melbourne - Ahead of the Seam: Design, Illustrate, Create Workshop
- Electrical Engineering Degrees in Victoria in 2024
- Mechanical Engineering Degrees in Victoria in 2024
- Snapshot of Charles Sturt University (CSU) in 2024
- Create for a Day Holiday Workshop at SAE
- Walk & Talk July Campus Tours at Federation University
- The VU Block Model
- A Career as a Firefighter
- Studying Exercise and Sports Science / Nutrition Science at ACU
- Exercise Science & Sport Degrees in Victoria in 2024
- A Snapshot of Victoria University (VU) in 2024Concordia College (USA) International Excellence Scholarship
- University of Tasmania Schools Recommendation Program
- Studying Psychology at La Trobe University
- A Career as a Data Scientist
- Accelerated Bachelor of Education (Primary) at Deakin University
- Optometry Courses in Australia in 2024
- Speech Pathology and Audiology Degrees in Victoria in 2024
- A Snapshot of Chisholm Institute in 2024
Contact Details
Please contact us via email: and / or
Year 12 Tertiary Information and Exploration Excursion to La Trobe University
With the weather being incredibly kind to us, on Wednesday 29 May, the Year 12 cohort and an enthusiastic team of staff travelled to La Trobe University to take part in a day of activities. Students were able to learn about future tertiary options and had the opportunity to explore a university campus and get a feel for the size and scope of activities that take place at a university. This was an important excursion for students considering further study at university next year or in the future. Students could learn about the options available to them post-secondary school by talking to current students (the La Trobe ambassadors and Aitken Alumni) and specialist staff, finding out more about the Aspire program and attending seminars and workshops. It was also an opportunity to learn about how to get the most out of attendance at an Open Day. The students were excited to explore options beyond Aitken and very enthusiastic about the opportunity to think about their transition to life after secondary school.
Even for students not considering La Trobe as the institution where they would undertake in their future studies, valuable lessons were learned about attending university in general and undertaking course and institution research. The excursion aimed to give students the confidence to undertake their own careers and course research, attend Open Days, and consider all their options.
For some students, the excursion confirmed their interest in becoming a future student at La Trobe, and for others, it opened up some possibilities they had not previously considered. Students were able to choose to participate in two of the following workshops: Accounting, Archaeology, Finance, Sports Park Tour, Health Information Management, Nutrition and Dietetics and Engineering, catering to a range of interests. There was an excited vibe and animated discussions on the buses as we returned to the College. The students who attended the excursion behaved beautifully and were great ambassadors for the College, and the supervising staff were marvellous. We are very appreciative of those staff who juggled their commitments at the College so the students could take part in this experience: Mr Taylor, Ms Jarvis-Dymond, Mr Perri, Mrs Monos, Mr Inturrisi and Mr Gunarathna.
Mrs Clare Borg & Ms Rae Gibbs
Careers Counsellors