
Mrs Leanne Schulz
Assistant Principal (Primary)
Over the last few weeks, teachers and students have been busy completing assessments and finishing off units of work. The students have been very productive throughout the term! Thank you to the parents for your continued support.
Cyber Safety Presentation by Brett Lee
Brett Lee from Internet Safe Education spoke with our Year 3-6 students about online safety. He also presented to our parent community about keeping our children safe online.
The five key messages he wants students to understand are:
- The Internet is Public and Permanent
- I protect my personal details online
- People I only know on the internet are strangers
- We all have rules on the internet and computers
- I always talk to an adult I trust
Cumberland Dance Party
Lilly A and Samuel K (Primary Captains)
The Cumberland Dance Party on Friday 14 June was an absolute blast! It was great to see everyone dancing and having so much fun together. The Parents and Friends Association did an amazing job organising the event. Kassi V and Claudia C were great DJs, and the teachers who supervised us did a fantastic job of keeping us safe and making sure everyone had a fun time. We loved the snacks like lollies and chips, and the glow sticks added a lot more excitement to the night. It was so much fun dancing with my friends and making new memories together. Thanks to the PFA and our teachers for making it such a special night!
Mrs Natasha Radley (Head of Year Prep)
This term has been filled with numerous activities, projects, and learning opportunities that have challenged and inspired our Prep students. From engaging in hands-on incursions to showcasing their dioramas, the students have gained a lot from these experiences.
One of the highlights of this term was the diorama project. Each class created intricate and imaginative dioramas that reflected their learning and creativity of sea animals. The Diving into Dioramas open afternoon enabled the students to also present some of the classwork they had done for the topic.
Next term will be a busy one. Swimming will run on Thursday for four weeks and 100 Days Brighter on Friday 9 August. Please remember that we are encouraging nude food lunches to eliminate plastic around the school. I thank you in advance for this.
I would like to wish all families a wonderful break. Hopefully, the students will come back into Term 3 a little bit rested and a little bit taller!
Mrs Joanne Birchmore (Head of Years 1 & 2)
As Term 2 comes to a close, we can reflect on the wonderful experiences the children have had to enhance their learning, develop their friendships and grow in confidence.
The Year One students have been writing procedures and the steps involved. Their favourite part of this topic has been bringing some of these written procedures to life by making milkshakes, pizzas and popcorn. These yummy treats were devoured by the students as they realised the importance of including each step in their writing. The 'History Box' incursion for Integrated Studies proved to be a term highlight as students delved into the world of the past trying on olden-day clothes, looking at artefacts used in the past and playing a couple of games children of their age used to play. The old dial phone and typewriter provoked a lot of curiosity as to how they were used, and who was old enough to use them!
The Year Two students were thrilled and fascinated to watch their butterflies emerge in the classroom, and equally enjoyed releasing them into the wild. This Integrated Studies unit provided the students with valuable lessons about looking after our environment and how ecosystems work. They showcased their learning by making habitats for a mini beast, which was put on display for parents and very excited Year One students. The children explained how they made their habitat and why they included certain elements and provided some information on their chosen mini beast. Another exciting learning area has been the Julia Donaldson author study, where the students read many of her books and then discussed the use of language and the similar features throughout her texts. This culminated in a dress up day where students came to school as their favourite character from one of her books.
We've all had such an amazing term and can't wait for this to continue in Term Three. Wishing you all a safe and restful holiday break.
Mrs Anne Adams (Head of Years 3 & 4)
Well, after a jammed packed term, we have finally slid into home base. A huge thank you to all the teachers in Years Three and Four. Thank you to parents for your support. Together we make a formidable team. Have a safe and restful break! Here are some highlights from the term.
Year Three
Tashini J - 3A
ENG girls was so fun! We had to build a covering so that our egg wouldn’t break. We had to design it on paper first. It was made out of bubble wrap, paper, plastic bag and tape. I loved designing it but unfortunately it broke. My team members were Cellini, Thenuki and Ranumi. We were a good team.
Ayana J - 3A
We had an end of term celebration. Mr Abou Eid bought popcorn and chuppa chups. We watched a movie too. We watched ‘Mario Brothers’. I’ve watched it multiple times. It was also Aniya’s birthday today.
George K - 3A
I enjoyed when we went to the museum. I discovered how people lived in the old days in Melbourne. I watched cricket on an old black and white T.V. I also saw an old house which was very different to mine. The toilet was outside and was literally a bucket! I also love Rubic’s Cube Club. In first term, I didn’t know how to solve a Rubics Cube, but this term I came 5th!
Koray I - 3R
I love playing soccer with my friends. I play with Jack, Olvier, Adrian, Isaiah and Harrison. My favourite positions are goalkeeper and defender. I love coming to school. It has everything a kid would love!
Prisha S - 3R
I go to Mind and Spirit Club at lunchtime. We get to learn more about the Bible and Jesus. Also we get to learn about different people in the Bible like the disciples. Today we got to play charades. We drew a picture of a person from the Bible and the others had to guess who it was.
Oliver J - 3R
I love P.E. because we get to learn different sports. This term we have been practicing how to do orienteering. My partner was Jesse. We found all of the tags on the map. We loved running everywhere and we didn’t get lost. I ran in the Division Cross Country, and I came 28th which is really good, but I was puffed out.
Year Four
Sophia M - 4I
In Integrated Studies we researched ‘How organic foods help the Earth.’ We found out that if we grow and eat organic food, we can be healthier by 20%. Organic farming helps the Earth by lowering the air pollution because we aren’t using pesticides, so we have less chemicals. Did you know that one single blueberry has 17 pesticides in it? So, some foods are much better eaten if they are organic.
Ajooni K - 4I
Our class went to some STEM activities with the ENG girls. The first activity we had a hard-boiled egg with metal weight on it. We had to protect it as we had to drop it from high up into the sand. We had to stop it getting any dents. We had tape, pipe cleaners and paper. Our covering worked! The members in my group were Freya, Alia, Manishi and Haasya.
Christian K - 4I
In PE we did volleyball and number soccer. For netball, we practiced digging and spiking. I got it over the net. When we play number soccer, we get a number. There are two lines, and the teacher calls out a number and each person from the line comes out and tries to score a goal. Ms Pocervina is our teacher. She is a fair ref with the games.
Thiven H - 4M
I go to Minecraft Monday. I went with Mathew and Benaiah. We create a world together. We don’t’ have a name yet. It was on survival mode. The zombies chase the villagers. We have cows, chickens and pigs. We have built a base that will keep the zombies out.
Roy J - 4M
I also go to Minecraft Monday. I always like to get emeralds and diamonds. If I come across a villager, which is rare, I will steal their loot. I have built a village, I put a wall around it with torches to keep the zombies out. Sometimes I build castles and I put iron golems around the walls to protect myself.
Olivia K - 4M
In Integrated Studies, we researched ‘Why conserving electricity is good for the planet’. We found out that France conserves the most power by using candles, they turn off the lights when they don’t need them, and they limit their showers. We made a poster and a diorama. We used popsicle sticks for people and cardboard boxes for the houses.
Shanaya G - 4N
In Kitchen Garden we have been learning about how to use the correct knife skills. We use ‘the bear claw’ and ‘the bridge’ hand shape to cut the vegetables. Last time we cooked pear crumble with icecream. It’s been the best recipe so far. I ate all of it!
Ronia J - 4N
We sang ‘Black Fella, White Fella’ in Reconciliation week in Songsters. It was fun, but I was nervous. We celebrated Reconciliation week but buying indigenous wrist bands, we also had dance parties at recess. At lunchtime, we watched “Big J and Cuz’.
Arianna J - 4N
In Integrated Studies, we researched about impacts that affect the world. Ours was deforestation. We discovered that we lose 27 soccer fields of trees every minute! They are disappearing fast. Trees are cut down for houses, farming and areas are made for people to live. Some people are trying to make a difference by planting trees. We made a diorama and a poster to present our research. We had the exhibition to show our work.
Mrs Jane Steenkamp (Head of Years 5 & 6)
Year 5
Over the last couple of weeks in STEM, our Year Five students embarked on an “action” packed scientific adventure to explore the link between space rockets and Newton's Third Law of Motion: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Using a simple yet effective balloon-on-a-string experiment, they observed this principle in action. Each student attached a balloon to a straw threaded on a string, and when the balloon was released, the escaping air propelled the balloon forward along the string. Students experimented with different amounts of air in the balloons to check if it made a difference to the distance the balloon travelled along the string. This hands-on activity not only made learning about physics fun and interactive but also helped students visually grasp how forces work in pairs. The students also learnt about the scientific process by completing an experiment report. The excitement in the classroom was contagious as students eagerly conducted their experiments, sparking a deeper interest in the wonders of science.
This is what some of our students had to say about it:
Sze Sze L - 5M
In STEM we are learning about forces and Newton’s third law of motion. We watched a video explaining the force of a balloon, and how whatever comes up must come down. We did the experiment in groups of three to four. Here’s how it worked: One person would have to carry the camera and video the balloon experiment result — that was me — and then one would blow up the balloon and hold it while we sticky-taped it to the string we tied to two chairs. Then another would clear everyone out of the way and the person holding the balloon would let go and we would see how the balloon flew. But the instructions were specific. You had to be careful not to mess up. My group made the mistake of holding the balloon the wrong way, so it just let air out and eventually went flat. But in conclusion, it was all fun and I enjoyed it a lot. I hope we do more experiments like this in our future STEM classes.
Raavi K - 5T
My partners were Arya and Akriti. We used a string, straw, tape and a balloon for an experiment. We put the string in the straw, we tied both sides on the chair then we blew up the balloon and taped it on the straw then let go the balloon. It went all the way to the other side of the chair.
Ayaanveer S - 5T
We did a super fun activity in STEM. We made a balloon rocket with straws, string, tape and the most important material, the balloons. First, we blew up the balloon halfway then we used the tape to stick the straw to the balloon and then we put the string through the straw. Then we let it go. It went speeding off to the end. The experiment was super fun and hopefully the Year 4s will get to try it soon.
Arya K - 5T
My Year 5 class 5T, made a balloon rocket. Here's how we did it! We taped a straw to a balloon, then we pulled the string through the straw then... let go of the balloon! It was so fun! It's a cool way to make a balloon rocket at home!
Year 6
Our Year Six students recently enjoyed an unforgettable excursion to Parliament House in Melbourne. During their visit, they had the unique opportunity to role-play as members of parliament in the “Green Room”, engaging in the exciting process of passing a bill. They took on a variety of roles such as Speaker, Clerk, Serjeant-at-Arms, Premier, Leader of the Opposition and other members of Parliament. This experience took place over 90 minutes. The students thoroughly enjoyed getting to stand up and say their piece regarding their chosen Bill to pass. They then took a short tour of Parliament House getting to see the “red room” and the library. This hands-on experience brought their civics lessons to life, providing a deeper understanding of how our government functions. After their parliamentary session, the students explored the beautiful Parliament Gardens, where they got to eat lunch and enjoy the large water fountain. This excursion was not only educational but also inspired our young leaders to think critically about their roles in society.
This is what our students had to say about the excursion:
Kemindi I - 6M
As part of our Integrated Studies Unit on Federation and Australian History, we got to go on an excursion to Parliament. Beforehand we learnt everything you need to know. We got to sit in the Upper House and the Lower House of Parliament. People got allocated political roles and role-played using a script. In the end, everyone got to talk. As a class we voted to pass on a bill (a law) which we debated. The experience in my eyes was amazing! We got to sit in the same chairs as people that represent us and people before us all the way back in the 1800s, it felt very special. It truly was an amazing experience, and I would wish to go there again!
Sarah D - 6A
My class went to Parliament, and we went into the House of Representatives and the Senate. We had a small debate in the House of Representatives I was the shadow minister. When I go next time, I would like to learn more about House of Representatives and watch a live debate.
Inayat S - 6A
In the past two weeks, the Year Six students have been visiting the Victorian Parliament on Spring Street on various days. During these visits, we had the opportunity to learn about the House of Representatives, the Senate, and explore the history of the building. Upon arrival, we enjoyed a break and had snacks before entering the building. Our bags were checked, similar to security procedures at an airport. We were greeted by our tour guides and engaged in a role play activity simulating the passing of a bill in the Room of Representatives. Following this, we had the chance to visit the Room of the Senate, the Library, and learn more about the building's history. To conclude our excursion, we explored the garden before boarding the bus back to school.
Zayne N - 6P
On Tuesday 4 June, 6P went to the Victorian Parliament House to expand our knowledge about Parliament and the three levels of government. We went there also to experience how it would feel to be a Member of Parliament. We debated on if plastic straws should be banned or not. We later then went to Parliament Gardens to eat our lunch. I learnt about the three levels of government: Federal, State and Local. I learnt about people in Parliament doing their job in the House of Representatives. I learnt about the three golden maces and how the second mace got stolen. I also learnt about the Red House, as known as The Senate, and the Green Room, also known as the House of Representatives.
Novak G - 6P
We went to Parliament on Tuesday 4 June. We learnt about the levels of government. We learnt about the House of Representatives and the Senate. I learnt about the Speaker as they are the most important person in the House of Representatives. I also learnt about the Sergeant in Arms and the Usher of the Black Rod. What I liked most about the excursion was the fact that I sat in the Speaker’s seat and ran the role play. I also loved the Library as the original mace was in there.
Dana J - 6P
On Tuesday 4 June, all of 6P, Ms Pezzutti and Mrs Steenkamp went to Parliament House in Spring Street, Melbourne. We went to see and experience what it felt like being in the House of Representatives. We also learnt about the 3 levels of government. I really enjoyed the cool, detailed gold designs at Parliament. I also found it really funny when Novak, the Speaker, nearly kicked out Ms Pezzutti when she interrupted in the argument for why plastic straws should be banned. I learnt many things I didn’t know; for example, I learnt that the second mace got stolen and still to this day you can be rewarded if you find it. I also learned that the queen can never go to the legislative room which is also known as the Green Room.
The Year Five and Six team would like to wish all our students and families a safe and restful holiday and we look forward to welcoming everyone back in Term 3!
Term 3 Important Dates
18, 25 July 1, 8 August | Prep Swimming (4 weeks every Thursday) |
20 July | Parents and Friends Second Hand Uniform Sale (9am - 11am) |
26, 27 July 1, 2, 3 August | College Musical – “The Little Mermaid” |
31 July | Grief and Loss Service (CPA foyer 6pm - 7.30pm) |
1 August | Year 6 Royal Flying Doctors Incursion |
8, 14 & 20 August | Parent Teacher Interviews (via Zoom 3.30pm - 6pm) |
9 August | 100 Days Brighter |
15, 22, 29 August 5 September | Year 2 Swimming (4 weeks every Thursday) |
21 August | ROC Movie Night |
19 - 23 August 23 August 23 August | Book Week Fairview Book Character Parade (CPA 9am - 10am) Cumberland Book Week Dress Up Day and Quiz (CPA 11.20am - 12.20pm) |
29 August | Father’s Day Breakfast and Stall |
10 September | Year 3 & 4 Cumberland Concert |
12 September | Year 5 & 6 Cumberland Concert |
16 - 18 September | Year 4 Camp |
Term Break!
Well done to all the Primary students and staff for a solid term of fun and productive activities! Amongst winter illnesses, staff and students have made the most of the learning opportunities presented. A huge thank you to parents for always showing support and keeping open communication with the teachers. Positive partnerships between home and school are essential and are very much appreciated!
The Primary Staff and I would like to wish you all a safe and happy holiday where you have a chance to recharge and enjoy some family time. We look forward to seeing you all once again in Term 3!