Visual Arts

With Semester Two nearing an end, it seemed fitting to share a handful of 2024 learning moments.
Several classes have been and will be involved in the ongoing rejuvenation of our CPA plaza mural this year. The painted additions to the mural were designed and created way back in 2007 by eager Year 9 students in Mrs Camilleri’s semester elective. Two students were responsible for each arch, and another worked in each area in between. As a collaborative project undertaken in class time, it took just over two months to complete.
The brief required their colourful design to be integrated around the existing sculptural tree, a figure, and the flying cow, produced in 2002 for the College’s inaugural Artist in Residence program. The original work took place at the farmhouse in a cold, windy garage under the direction of sculptor Gary Donnellan. The throwback photos below demonstrate how these projects inject life and instil pride, fostering a sense of community within our school.
This year, the painted mural’s bright, playful nature needed some TLC after being exposed to the elements, susceptible to heat and fading. Unfortunately, one section of the mural had begun to crack, in need of repair. As such, students have been lightly sanding before touching up and adding their own ‘flare’ to the existing design while maintaining the integrity of the original work. It is hoped this project will be completed by the end of the year. It will then be protected by a clear lacquer to endure another twenty-plus years.
Our Year 10 Photography students attended an excursion to Werribee Mansion to hone their skills offsite, required to shoot under various light conditions. This followed an incursion, where camera skills and techniques were first developed. I look forward to sharing all their shots with you later in the year, as part of our exhibitions program; however, we have a special ‘pop up’ surprise planned for next term, so keep an eye out for a notice on AIMS!
The Year 12 Visual Communication and Design students enjoyed an immersive day with Roland Snooks – Professor of Architecture at the School of Design RMIT. Their research includes Architectural design, Generative design, Robotic fabrication, Algorithmic design, Multi-agent systems, and Swarm intelligence. Professor Snooks talked through a range of different projects completed through the lab, including how they test their ideas and what they are looking for in potential students. Students were able to handle various test prints using a range of different materials, including plastics, glass, metal, ceramics and foam.
How can I resist ending with exciting Primary Art shots, highlighting the talents and energy of our budding artists and designers of the future.
Mrs Linda Camilleri
Head of Faculty – Visual Arts