Fabulous Foundation 

Fabulous Foundation

Term 2 Week 11 - 28th June, 2024 


100 Days of Prep

On Tuesday 30th July all preps will be celebrating 100 days of Learning.

We invite parents to share the morning with us from 9.15am - 10.15am

More information to come 


See you in Term 4 Miss Beth.

We wish Miss Beth the best of luck as she embarks on a term of adventure in Paris, France. We will all miss you terribly and look forward to seeing you back working with us in Term 4.


Welcome Miss Anna

Miss Anna has started working in  Prep B and is already getting to know all of the students. We are so excited to have you in Prep and to work with you.  


Myuna Farm

What a wonderful day the Prep had at Myuna Farm as did all of us adults!

The students are an absolute credit to you all, they were a pleasure to take on an excursion. We are sure there were many tired Preps that evening. 

Preps tried very hard to write their recounts from what they saw at the Farm. 

Thankyou again to the parents that came along and helped on the day. 



What we are learning!



We have been looking at money in Prep. Looking at different coins and notes and how they are made. Preps enjoyed making their own shops, creating their signage and making their items to sell and then selling it to each other.  A lot of hard work has gone into this activity. 



Little Learners love literacy:


Since the latest assessments 1-2 weeks ago many preps have progressed levels and are now bringing home their new stage of readers. It’s wonderful to see so much progression in the cohort. In term 3 Prep - 2 will be streamed again into their ability levelled groups for phonics. We look forward to welcoming a new group of eager learners in term 3. 



In Literacy, we have completed our final weeks of recount writing. Many students had much grown this term with some taking on the challenge to write sentences and words independently. We have enjoyed watching their confidence grow. In term 3 we will focusing on rhyming words and poems as well as dreamtime stories. 


Leader In me:


We are continually embedding the 7 habits language into our daily teaching through the weeks. 





What a wonderful term we have had discovering different communities that can help us.

Both classes have a lovely Inquiry wall so please come in to have a look at the preps lovely work!! 





We have recently received a whole new range of take home readers for the Preps!


Please have a safe and happy term break and we look forward to seeing you all in Term 3.


Important reminders:

- No Hats are required for outside play in Term 2 & 3.


  • Please ensure that every item of clothing, including lunch boxes are clearly labelled.


  • The T-shirt you all received at information night “I'm a leader in Prep at LePage are welcome to be worn by the Preps as part of their daily uniform. 
  • Please remember to ensure your child’s blue satchel is in their bag each day as we begin to put important forms and reminders in them.


  • Please ensure that your child has a substantial lunch such as a sandwich/roll/wrap or thermos for example for lunch along with a snack (cracker/yoghurt) and fruit or vegetables.
  • Please make sure your child has a spare change of clothes in the bags, just in case.