From the Principal 

Our Vision

Each child has a gift or talent. It is our job to find it and to show it to them.

Our Mission

Identify the talent, develop the confidence and create the leader.


 What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?

Term 2 Reflection

Overall, Term 2 at Le Page Primary School appears to have been filled with memorable moments and significant learning opportunities. 


Zoo Excursion

It was great to hear that the zoo excursion was such a hit among the students! Zoos provide a fantastic opportunity for hands-on learning about different animals and their habitats. Exploring the zoo can be both educational and fun, allowing students to observe animals they may have only read about before.



The karate self-defence program was a fantastic addition to the school's activities. Learning self-defence techniques can empower students by teaching them valuable skills like discipline, focus, and confidence. It's also a great way to promote physical fitness and mental resilience.


Chess Club

Chess coaches provide such valuable opportunities for students. Chess is a game that not only enhances strategic thinking but also promotes patience, concentration, and critical reasoning skills. Having dedicated coaches who can guide students through learning and practicing chess during school hours can greatly benefit their cognitive development.


Dancing with Claudia

The new dance program led by Claudia was a big hit at Le Page Primary. Dance is not only a form of physical activity but also a creative outlet that allows students to express themselves through movement. Having a dedicated teacher like Claudia who can guide students through learning new movements and routines can make the experience even more enjoyable and rewarding. Claudia will also be choreographing the school concert to be performed on Thursday September 12 at Bayside Church on Argus Street.


Leadership Day

The day was particularly impactful, with students demonstrating the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People through speeches, presentations, and leading tours. These experiences fostered a sense of responsibility and leadership among students.


School Sports Programs

Sport again played a significant role in Term 2. Sport opportunities promoted physical fitness, teamwork, and a sense of community among students. Participating in sports can also help develop important life skills such as discipline, perseverance, and cooperation. The cross-country event was an excellent chance for students to challenge themselves and strive for personal bests, while the new soccer goals might have sparked a lot of excitement and encouraged more active play during recess and PE classes.


Music and the Community

The Village Green performance was a highlight of Term 2. Events like these provide a wonderful platform for students to showcase their talents and hard work in front of peers, teachers, and the community. Whether it was music, dance, or other performances, such events likely brought a sense of accomplishment and joy to everyone involved.

The excursion to Cheltenham Secondary School was also an exciting opportunity for our musicians and singers to be entertained and to establish mentor relationships with the secondary school students. Our music teacher Susie Davies-Splitter and instrumentalist teacher Srebrenka Casaceli do an outstanding job. They teach and inspire greatness.


New Year 1-2 Class

This semester, new enrolments saw the number of students in each Year 1-2 grade increase. This was a positive endorsement from parents in our local community, choosing Le Page Primary over other schools. This also had put strain on the students and teachers. To reduce grade sizes and to make the learning environment more supportive, a fourth Year 1-2 grade was created and commenced on Wednesday June 12 and Hannah Jackson joined the Year 1-2 teaching team. Hannah had worked at Le Page Primary over the past two years, covering all year levels and was the school’s preferred applicant. Hannah conducted parent-teacher meetings before the starting date. The classroom for the newly created 1-2D grade is located at the same end of Block A, keeping all Year 1-2 grades together. 5-6A relocated to another classroom downstairs in Block A. The new class list was decided, considering all criteria, as when creating class lists each year in Term 4. The Year 1-2 staff taught the cohort for 16 weeks and knew and deeply understood the student dynamics. Students remaining in existing grades and some entering the new grade were a little anxious, which is a common response to change. The staff were mindful in their approach to supporting all the students socially and emotionally through the transition. The decision to create a fourth Year 1-2 grade was made with careful consideration and in the best interests of the students.


New Website

One of our parents, Sabrina Spyros, has been working on a brand-new website for Le Page PS. Sabrina put in a lot of effort, and the site looks amazing. The site is now live. It is modern, catchy, and relevant, with lots of photos, graphics, videos, and our school song. There is also a link to our latest Facebook notifications on a page. We are very excited to show our community and the wider community this new site, and we trust it will help attract future enrolments.


Chicken Fence

The students wanted chickens and voiced this through the Student Lighthouse Team. They then voiced their desire for a place for the chickens to roam. The School Council acted on the students’ request and approved the construction and payment of an attractive and secure fence and gate system. The area looks amazing!


Habit 8: Finding Your Voice

Habit 8 is about developing your own voice and path, helping others find their voice, and creating an environment where finding one's voice is encouraged and supported. This is achieved by building trust through integrity and competency and creating trust by keeping commitments and being transparent. Habit 8 encourages a deeper level of personal and organisational transformation, focusing on the power of finding and using one's unique voice to achieve greatness and inspire others.


Voice is the unique personal significance that lies at the nexus of talent (natural gifts and strengths), passion (those things that naturally energise, excite, motivate, and inspire you), need (including what the world needs enough to pay you for), and conscience (that still, small voice within that assures you of what is right and prompts you to actually do it). Covey emphasised treating people as whole beings, acknowledging the body (to live), mind (to learn), heart (to love), and spirit (to leave a legacy).


Modern leadership is about helping others find their voice, thereby moving from mere effectiveness to greatness.


Looking to Term 3’s School Concert

The 2024 school concert will be held at Bayside Church, Argus Street Cheltenham, on Thursday September 12. Next term the students and staff will practise their singing, routines, dancing and solo performances leading up to what will be the first Le Page Primary School concert since the school’s relaunch in 2017. More details will be shared next term.


Courtney Mason 

We wish our incredible Assistant Principal Courtney a wonderful extended school holidays as she travelled through France and Italy. Courtney will return in week three next term.


Holiday Greetings

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season, whether you are travelling the globe or staying snug and warm at home. May you find time to meet with loved ones, enjoy some well-deserved rest, and have plenty of fun.


George Danson