Art / Cultural / Music / PE & Health / Library / Auslan

Specialist News 



Over the past two weeks all students across the school completed their dance unit provided by our wonderful ESS / professional dance teacher Claudia Jenkinson.

Students finished their unit by reviewing all the different types of dance styles they had learnt and then had an opportunity to work individually or in small groups to create their own dance. It was great to see the excitement that all students had to work together and make up their own dances.

Well done to all students and a special thanks to Claudia for all of her time, effort and expertise in putting together a great program.

In the final week of term students in all year levels play some fun games to celebrate the term in PE. This included games such as fruit salad, ship-shark-shore, run the gauntlet, dodgeball, rapid fire and some others.

Everyone had a great time with these games and tried really hard. Their teamwork was excellent. Congratulations to all students on a great term of PE. 


Enjoy your break and see you in term 3.



Jarrod Bradley

PE/Sports Coordinator


Culture Studies

We had no culture studies this week, however NAIDOC week falls in the holidays on the 7th – 14th July.  NAIDOC Week stands for National Aboriginal and Islanders Day Observance Committee which occurs annually in July, and celebrates the history, culture, and achievements of First Nations people. We will be discussing and acknowledging NAIDOC week in the first week back of Term 3. 






Visual Arts

Last week and this week in Visual Arts, Foundation students were inspired by the book ‘The Echidna and the Shade Tree’ by painting the echidna and using a fork to create the spikey texture of the echidna, they then painted a background. Year 1/2 students were inspired by the designer and illustrator, Sally Payne, where they made cardboard African animal sculptures. Year 3/4 students created a marine life silhouette, where they painted their background blue with a white middle, as though they were sitting on the bottom of the ocean floor looking up. Students then used black markers to draw sea animals, giving a silhouette effect. Year 5/6 students created a rainforest art piece that was inspired by the book, ‘Flashlight’ by Liz Boyd.  They focused on the art principles of contrast and emphasis by drawing on black paper using white pencil to create a rainforest environment.  They drew a person holding a flashlight, which illuminates portions of the rainforest environment that is lit up in colour. I am so proud of all our Le Page students and how they are working hard and giving their best to create wonderful art pieces. I hope you have a happy holiday. 







Library News 


The term is over and we crowned our Reader Leaders!


The class that read the most books, with an amazing 359 books this term, is 12C. What an amazing effort!

The student who borrowed the most was Ariella D. She read 20 books this term. Well done!


We are looking forward to Term 3, with Book Week coming up and many fun activities that will surround this. Keep your eyes and ears open!


Thank you to everyone for all your support, enjoy your holidays, and keep on reading. 


