Amazing 5/6

What have we been up to?

It has been a long and busy term for the 5/6’s. As it draws to a close, it is just dawning on our Year 6’s that they only have 1 semester left at Le Page Primary School. Our Year 5’s are also beginning to understand the pressures and expectations on them as leaders and role models of the school. They have had lots of responsibilities thrown at them, changes to their schedule, sports competitions, cold weather and numerous illnesses to disrupt and upset their routines and they have all done a great job rising above these challenges and completing a really successful term. Maddie, Gemma, Sam and myself are very proud of their efforts and their hard work.

A true example of this was their fantastic ‘Night of the Notables’ biography presentations last Thursday evening. We were all blown away with how seriously and professionally they took this project and the end results were fantastic. A special shout out to all those students who dressed up in some amazing costumes or who had incredible displays.

Our learners have also had an incredibly successful term focusing on their mathematical operations. Through the use of levelled and focused groups, across the cohort, the growth and understanding has been fantastic. The kids' understanding of multiplication and division in particular has put them in a good place moving into fractions, decimals and percentages next term.

I also want to give a special mention to how hard they have all worked in their inquiry topic this term, Biodiversity and Adaptations. It has been pleasing watching the kids explore their understanding of the natural world and the animals that live in it. 

The year only gets busier next term, with a number of huge events coming up. Camp, Market Day, House Athletics and the Basketball Day are all something to look forward to, as well as a lot of other surprises.  



Student Report

Term two report year ⅚

By Quinn and Julia 


Hi my name is Julia and I’m a leader in drawing and reading 

         and I’m Quinn, a leader of Math.


The first couple of weeks of Term Two we went to Waves to swim.

On the final day there we had a fun day were we went in the wavey pool,

The ones who stayed at school did a Paris project




In Maths, Term two the 3/4  and the 5/6 have been working on Addition, Subtraction, time, multiplication and division.



In the MTQ we have been working hard on our Math projects. Logan has been doing his project on school combinations. Charlie and Kai have done a guide to Investment. Kaira has done a bunch of Domino facts, Daniel has investigated the Maths behind Pokemon. And finally me, Jake and Clement have completed having A Dog for a Year.


Running to Paris

The teachers this year have created a great plan to make the 5/6s more active, Running to Paris for the Olympics. Paris is 16,781 km away and each day we go to the netball courts and have a run. Each lap we do counts as a kilometre. If we reach 16,781 laps before the Olympics we can watch some of the Olympics while we are doing school work.


Interschool Sports

Interschool sports this term included netball, softball and soccer, I played girls netball.


Junior Mayor

Azra, Clement, Shy and Charlie went to the City of Kingston Town Hall. They made a 2 min speech about what we need to change about Karkarook Park. Azra got voted to be a Councillor!



In Inquiry we have learnt about animal adaptations. Animals need to survive in their habitats and survive from their predators and catch their prey.


Write 2 Learn

In write 2 learn we have improved our writing and typing technique. We are focused on conjoining sentences. We have done but, whenever, because and many others.



In term two we went to see some animals at Melbourne Zoo. We loved seeing great animals such as the lions, giraffes(that looked a lot like Mr D) and the meerkats.

Special mensions to Gerald the Wheelchair, B the Medic bag and the pigeons.


Night of the Notables

Night of the Notables is when we all presented our biographies. I did David Attenborough, did you know that he has 15 plants and animals named after him. I did Socrates. Did you know that his name means whole power.


Paris Food

For homework we had to cook some French food for homework. At third came Hugo with his crepes. At second was Patrick with Ratatouille. And for the best french food was me with my Eclairs. 




Looking forward to our Term 3 learning:

Morpheme Magic:

Morpheme Magic will continue next term, focusing still on the Prefixes, Suffixes and Bases that help improve the maturity and complexity of their writing.


We will be shifting into the creative forms of poetry next term, with a number of author and style studies as well as plenty of opportunities to create and write their own.


In Maths, the students will focus on how and why we use fractions, decimals and percentages, and how these can be used to calculate the values of whole numbers or how stores use these to put items on sale.


Teacher Contact Information

If there are any queries please feel free to contact one of us:

Nick Duckett

Maddie Simos

Gemma Baker & Sam Boontjes




The Chicken Team

Azra and Emma’s Night of the Notables

Quinn and Daniel

Josh and Aaron


Melis, Shy and Kira E