Secondary Life

Reconciliation Week - "Now More Than Ever"

Jane Moyle, Year 8 Coordinator 


By no means am I an expert in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice, but I am someone who continues to seek to understand what my role is as a Christian in the journey toward reconciliation.  


We need reconciliation “Now more than ever.” The chosen theme for 2024 speaks to the urgency of change that is needed in our communities, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous. After the unsuccessful referendum and the ongoing widening gaps between life expectancy, poverty, and incarceration rates between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australians, First Nations people say they feel saddened and frustrated. My prayer is that we can provide hope through reconciliation with Christ.    


In homegroups this week, our students had the opportunity to engage with resources provided by the Christian organisation Common Grace; to help them understand the connection more deeply between our faith and Australia’s reconciliation with our First Nations people. In these devotions the students heard the words of Aboriginal Christian leader Dr Aunty Jean Phillips who says, “It will be the cross that brings true healing and reconciliation to this nation.” 


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And He has committed to use the message of reconciliation.”  Corinthians 5: 17-19


Reconciliation is a journey embedded in biblical faith and justice and most definitely in love. It is a journey that has God as its focus – a journey of people listening, valuing all voices, and walking together. Reconciliation is Jesus’ call to take up our cross and follow Him, imitating Christ['s humility and sacrificial love.  

Year 11 Legal Studies

Jordan Shields, Legal Studies Student

The recent Legal Studies excursion to Parliament House, the Magistrates’ Court and the Victorian Civil and Administration Tribunal (VCAT) was a fascinating journey into the heart of our political and legal systems. 


Parliament House stood in all its grandeur as an outstanding piece of architecture. A tour of the space courtesy of local Warrandyte MP Nicole Werner provided us with an in-depth understanding of what life is like as a politician, as well as the processes involved in law making. 


The Magistrates’ Court was an eye-opening introduction to how criminal cases are heard for summary (minor) offences and indictable offences heard summarily. It was very interesting to witness the level of empathy the judge had toward the offenders, despite them having committed criminal offences. The magistrate sought to uphold the rights of the victims. 


Visiting VCAT was also a unique opportunity, as we carried out mock tribunals before sitting in some actual tribunal disputes. These hearings are held in a less formal manner than those dealt with in the courts. I found it interesting to see the more ‘grassroots approach’ which ‘ditched’ the legal vocabulary. This made it much easier for everyday citizens to understand.


 This was an amazing experience we were truly blessed with. It was a definite highlight of the academic year and something I would recommend to future students. 


Sue Finlay, English and Humanities Teacher

It gives me great pleasure to announce the graduation of 10 students from the recent Toastmasters Program. These students have all demonstrated dedication and growth throughout their journey. From mastering the art of public speaking to refining their leadership skills, these students have embraced the challenge with enthusiasm and determination. 


We are proud of all these graduates and are confident in their ability to excel in future endeavours. Their participation not only enriches their individual development but contributes to fostering a culture of effective communication and leadership within our College community. 


Congratulations to our talented graduates on this wonderful achievement! Many thanks to Simon Lakey and Sue Dymond (pictured) of Ringwood Toastmasters who facilitated the program.

Jonah Chau Y7, Jayden Chau Y10, Janek Sandanayake Y7, Matthew Lee Y7, Zachary Chen Y7, Caden Lee Y7, Chris Gad Y9, Edgar Tam Y7, and Dora Pan Y9