Mission News

Mrs Anna Nasr


We continue to pray for those in our community who are unwell or struggling at this time, especially Margaret Lawson (aunt of Ethan Lawson-Smith, Year 12) who is undergoing brain surgery this week. We remember in prayer those who have died recently. May they rest in the peace of God and may their loved ones be supported in their time of grief. Amen.

Community Mass 


Mass times:

Wednesday Morning - 8:00am

Friday 1st Break - 11:45am


Gospel Reflection

Excerpt from Gospel, 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mark 3:20-35)


… 'Your mother and brothers and sisters are outside asking for you.' He replied, 'Who are my mother and brothers?' And looking round at those sitting in a circle about him, he said, 'Here are my mother and my brothers. Anyone who does the will of God, that person is my brother and sister and mother.'


In Mark’s Gospel, we see a passage that offers insights into the ministry of Jesus and the importance of recognising our spiritual family.


Jesus comes to break down the barriers created by culture, wealth, social class and race, in order to build up the Father's vision of one unified, reconciled human family. If a "house" is to stand strong, it must be constructed upon humility, forgiveness and acceptance. 


The passage begins with Jesus entering a house, and soon a large crowd gathers around Him. His popularity was growing, and people from all walks of life wanted to be near Him and receive His teachings and healings. However, the religious leaders of the time, the scribes, were suspicious of Jesus and accused Him of being possessed by a demonic spirit.


Jesus responds to their accusation with a logical argument. He points out the inconsistency in their accusation, explaining that a kingdom or a house divided against itself cannot stand. Jesus explains that if He were truly possessed by a demon, then Satan would be working against himself, which would ultimately lead to the destruction of his kingdom.


Jesus goes on to emphasize the importance of recognising our spiritual family. While He is teaching, someone informs Him that His mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak with Him. In a profound statement, Jesus looks at the crowd and declares, "Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother."


So Jesus is explaining the definition of family beyond biological relationships. He highlights the significance of spiritual kinship.


+ We pray…

Dear Lord,

Lord, we thank you for the example of Jesus, and pray for unity within our spiritual family. Help us to recognize that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. May we love one another as Jesus loved us and seek to build each other up. Grant us the grace to put aside our differences and work towards unity in the body of Christ.


We ask for discernment and wisdom when faced with accusations or doubts. Protect us from the schemes of the enemy and empower us to overcome any division or strife that may arise.


Finally, Lord, we pray for a deeper understanding of what it means to be a part of your family. Open our hearts and minds to the vastness of your love and the depth of our spiritual connection with you and with one another. 


Mary our good mother                       pray for us

St Marcellin Champagnat                 pray for us

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop       pray for us

And may we always remember        to pray for one another

Amen. + 

Champagnat Day Mass and Blessing of the St Marcellin Centre

Last Thursday we celebrated the Feast of St Marcellin Champagnat and the 25th anniversary of his canonisation.


We recognised this occasion with a Mass led by Marist Old Boy Bishop Brian Heenan (1955), the opening of our new Primary Building, the St Marcellin Centre, lunch for all the boys and staff and a gift of a new Champagnat badge for our boys.


The Champagnat badge was thoughtfully designed by our Campus Minister, Clare Locke, and serves as a reminder to embrace Champagnat’s vision of fostering love, compassion and quality education. It was wonderful to see the boys proudly pin these badges on their blazers.


This occasion holds immense significance on our College calendar each year as it highlights the profound impact St Marcellin had on education and the formation of spirituality worldwide.


The students participated in the liturgy wholeheartedly and sang with passion and pride. Bishop Brian & Special Guests including the Provincial made mention of it being one of the best school masses they have ever attended. Special thanks to our Music Department, Services Department, Technical Support staff, Events & Marketing team for all their help on the day and in the lead up – we couldn’t do it without you! 


Status of St Marcellin Champagnat

The central image on the Champagnat badge is based on a statue in Rome which was commissioned for Marcellin Champagnat’s canonisation.


In July 1998, the Marist Brothers in Rome had asked the Vatican if they could have a statue to commemorate Marcellin, their soon to be canonised Founder. The artist, Jiménez Deredia, a Costa Rican artist, was given the commission late in 1999 after being awarded the Beato Angelico Prize, which recognised the spiritual strength in his art. Deredia describes the statue as portraying Marcellin’s strength and determination. 


The statue is located in an alcove opposite the Papal Apartments where Pope Francis resides. Pope Francis is attributed with the following remarks about the statue:


The image is of Marcellin Champagnat, who is neither a book to his student or praying with closed eyes, but who is carrying one children on his shoulders and has another at his foot. 

The mission of the educator is just that: to support young people in their lives, to be with them through their success, their failures, and their aspirations.


Year 12 Retreats

Retreats will take place Week 1, Term 3 from Wednesday the 10th of July through to Friday the 12th.


If you haven’t yet done so, please go into the Parent Lounge and ACCEPT your son’s attendance and update any medical or dietary requirements. The “homework” that was sent as a reminder last week also needs to be handed in as soon as possible. Please contact us if there are any issues with this.


On Wednesday the 10th of July, students are to meet at the College bus stop at 7:30am for an 8:00am departure. Students will be told which retreat site they will be attending that morning.  Parents will be emailed that same day with their son’s retreat location and emergency contact details.

Sony Foundation Camp – Calling all campers!

Sony Foundation Camp is back on campus over the September School Holidays with both Marist and Mt Alvernia Year 11 students will be taking on the role of companions for children with a disability.


However, for the camp to proceed, we need campers! We would love to support our local community so please reach out to your friends, relatives, neighbours or any family you know who might be in need of respite. We would love to assist!


Please visit our website – Sony Foundation Camp 2024 - Marist College Ashgrove (marash.qld.edu.au) to fill in an application form.  


All Abilities Rugby

Our student volunteers have continued to give their all to ensure kids of all abilities are having fun learning rugby skills on a Friday afternoon. Many thanks to the boys for your commitment, enthusiasm and support.


St Vincent de Paul and the Environment Group

It’s our last Vinnies Bacon & Egg Brekky for the term, so come on over this Thursday morning and buy a delicious burger for $4.50!

Vinnies and the Environment Group meetings will continue alternating Thursday during break 1B in Room 801. All students are welcome.


Stationery Aid

This Friday will be our last Stationery Aid the term. Students are invited to come along to Room 801 on Friday mornings between 7.30am-8.30am to help out. After a big effort in sorting and cleaning highlighters most of this term, next term we’ll be focused on putting kits together of those reusable highlighters.


Donations to Stationery Aid are always gratefully received in the blue bin next to the Mission Office.


To find out more, visit: https://stationeryaid.org/