Sport News

Mr Derek Lennon, Head of Sport

Last weekend saw the conclusion to the AIC Chess, Rugby and Football seasons for 2024 with the majority of matches played at Tivoli. It was a terrific atmosphere and the boys really enjoying playing in front of a big crowd. 



We started on Friday night with our Chess boys having a good win against St Edmund’s College 9-7 in the 1st IV and winning the Senior A, Senior B and Intermediate A matches. Overall this meant we finished third in the 1st VI competition and third in the aggregate behind St Peters and St Laurence’s. The boys are closing the gap each year and are getting very competitive with the best. The Senior A team were undefeated for the season. Thank you to Mr Tim Humphry and Mr Aaron Manson for your leadership, organisation, and guidance of the chess program along with Captain of Chess, Shaun Simonetti. 


Saturday saw football taking on St Edmund’s with games being played at multiple venues across Brisbane to give every team a game. The 1st XI played out what was effectively a grand final at Eddies home ground with a 1-all draw enough to secure the 1st XI premiership for 2024. Across the board it was a dominant day for Marist football with all teams undefeated against SEC. We also secured the aggregate trophy in a tie with St Laurence’s College in an incredible season for football. The undefeated teams in football were 2nds, 7ths, 10A, 9A, 9B, 8B, 7C, 7D, 5B, 5D Black, 5D Gold and 5 White. Thank you to the football coaches and staff, including Captain of Football, Isaac Roach for your leadership and guidance throughout the season. Congratulations to the whole team and to coaches Mr Blair Whitlock and Mr Willem Baines for securing the 2024 AIC 1st XI Premiership.


The 1st XV has really hit their straps towards the end of the season and has really performed well in the back half of the season. On Saturday they played controlled, attacking rugby to take down St Edmunds College 73-9. Overall, for the day we won every game against SEC and enjoyed a terrific day of rugby to conclude the season. The final result was that the 1st XV finished in tied second place behind Padua College. As a program we won the aggregate shield in a reflection of the true strength of Marist Rugby. The undefeated teams in rugby were 4ths, 5ths, 10C, 10D, 9B, 9C, 8C, 7B, 7C, 7D, 5A, 5B. Thank you to Mr Richard Graham for his dedication, passion, and knowledge in leading our rugby program, and Captain of Rugby Thomas Howard for your leadership of the boys.


This week we have our inter-house athletics carnival. We look forward to enjoying a day of spirited competition between the houses. A broad range of activities and competitions have been organised beyond the traditional track and field events to cater for everyone. Most importantly, it is a chance to come together as a Marist community and enjoy all the great things about inclusion, togetherness, mateship and fun. Good luck to our competitive track and field athletes for the carnival.


Good luck to all boys trialling for term 3 sports, tennis, rugby league and basketball, and our fast-approaching track and field season. 


Best wishes go to our Confraternity Carnival squad as they head to Townsville for the biggest schoolboy rugby league competition in Queensland. Thank you to Mr Ryan Apps, Mr Dallas Williams and Mr Patrick Conn for your continued commitment to the rugby league program here at Marist. 


Student Achievements

Hunter Chan-Riotto- Football

Football QLD has selected Hunter for the 2024 FQ Academy - Metro Program (u13 years). The FQ Academy youth program is the talent identification pathway to Queensland State Team selection. It offers players the opportunity to compete at Football Australia’s National Youth Championships, as well as Football Queensland’s regional and state events.


Finlay Keoghan – Football

Congratulations to Finlay Keoghan who has been selected as a shadow player for the Queensland under 16 squad to contest the 2024 National Youth Championships in Wollongong in the July holidays.


Matt Pegg & Harry Cook – Basketball

Matt and Harry were selected from the NBA Basketball School Australia under 17 trials held across different capital cities  to compete at the Abu Dhabi Games in October later this year. There were only 24 students chosen to represent in three teams at these games.


Joshua Pope – Cricket

Joshua Pope in Grade 9 has been selected by Cricket Ireland to play in the Irish Provincial under-17s Championships in Belfast, Northen Ireland from July 8-11. The carnival acts as a selection competition for the Ireland u17 and u15 national cricket teams. 


Oliver Betts – Volleyball

Congratulations to Oliver Betts for making the Queensland under 18 state squad for volleyball. Best wishes for the championships. 


Ethan Muspratt & Ben Nolan – Basketball

Congratulations to Ethan and Ben who were members of the Met North 10-12 years basketball team who won the recent 12 years state championships. 


Mr Derek Lennon (Football Coordinator)


It has been an amazing season for Marist Football. We are so proud of the commitment, the attitude, the effort and the dedication each and every one of our players have put in and contributed to our overall success this year. The 1st XI have been a model flagship team for the program and inspired so many of our teams to continue to improve on what we did last year.


Thank you to all the coaches and staff who have worked tirelessly this term to support the boys and provide learning opportunities for our young men to develop as athletes and as people. Not all lessons are positive, but they are important in our growth as young men. Thank you to the year coordinators, Mr Christopher Sim, Mr Matt Jones, Mr Gareth Kolkenbeck-Ruh, Mr Patrick Denkes, Mr Blair Whitlock, Mr AJ Gray, and Mr Derek Lennon for your leadership of the boys and the coaches. Thank you to our First XI coaches Mr Blair Whitlock and Mr Willem Baines for your dedication, expertise, and commitment to the boys. The growth in the boys and the football they were able to play was a testament to your hard work.


Thank you to the boys who volunteered to join the ranks of officialdom by completing the referees’ course with Football Queensland this year. We hope that you enjoy the experience and pursue this as it supports us as a college be able to have officials on every match.


Our supporters, parents, friends, and Old Boys, who cheer our teams on each Saturday, thank you for your encouragement, positivity, and passion for the blue and gold. It was terrific to see such wonderful support for the boys, highlighted by a full hill for the Lauries game in round 6.


We are blessed to have all our fields on site and so well looked after. Thank you to the grounds team, led by Mr Callum Clark for preparing such great fields each week, which was particularly challenging with the wet weather this season. 


Overall, we finished equal first in the aggregate competition tied with St Laurence’s College, with a significant gap to third. We have made up a lot of points from last year to match Lauries. To give you an indication of our fine overall season, the simplest measure is goals for versus goals against, it is a raw comparison that measures all teams equally. A positive for and against means a good (winning) season, a zero difference (i.e. same goals for and against) means a neutral season and a negative for and against suggests a losing season. For 2024 we finished with 776 goals for (up from 671 in 2023) and 410 against (371 in 2023) for a positive 366 (up from 300 last year), which is quite a number. Our best round was against St Peters in round 4 (+126; it was +91 in 2023) and our lowest was round 2 against Padua (+37; it was -16 in 2023). 


Progress is being made on having a uniformed style of play, which is being noticed by other schools. This will give our boys the best chance at being successful as they will know year on year what their roles are, what we expect of them and how to play our style effectively.


Congratulations to the following teams who remained undefeated throughout the season. All players will be presented with a pennant to signify their achievement at the first assembly after the holidays.

  • 2nd XI
  • 7th XI
  • 10A
  • 9A
  • 9B
  • 8B
  • 7C
  • 7D
  • 5B
  • 5D Black
  • 5D Gold
  • 5 White

This is a significant achievement that these young men and coaches should be proud of and something we want to build on as a college into the future.


For boys returning next year, please keep working on your skills, fitness and ability in the offseason, and keep an eye out for opportunities as we look to continue adding to the football program for 2025.  


Finally, thank you to the Year 12 boys for your years of service to football and to the College. We wish you well on your football journey post school and hope you stay involved in the sport in some capacity, be it playing, coaching or just as a fan.

Marist Rugby Union

Mr Richard Graham – Director of Rugby / Track and Field


Marist Rugby – AIC Aggregate Champions

Congratulations to our wonderful coordinators, coaches and students for winning the 2024 AIC Rugby Union Aggregate. Having lost the aggregate last season by the smallest of margins to Iona (77.5 to 77.0), it is a fantastic achievement to reclaim the trophy this year.


The 2024 results had Marist on 81.5 points with Iona finishing second on 74.5 points.


The aggregate is calculated on the following teams –

1st XV to 4th XV

10A and B

9A and B

8A and B

7A and B


Well done to everyone involved in your approach to the season.


Well done to our 35 teams

The AIC rugby union season has concluded, with 35 teams competing every weekend across 7 AIC rounds. The season was marked by constant improvements, an abundant amount of fun, and exceptional sportsmanship. This season not only strengthened individual skills but also continued to foster a strong sense of connection throughout our rugby union program. Thank you to all of our teams for their dedication and effort, for showcasing their Marist catch pass, effort on effort, and their physical attacking rugby. 


Thank You, Coordinators and Coaches……

As we close the curtain on another enjoyable and successful rugby union season, I extend our sincerest gratitude to our dedicated coordinators, coaches and support staff who have guided, mentored, and nurtured the students every step of the way. Their genuine care for the students and dedication have consistently delivered quality training sessions and exceptional game day experiences. Their hard work and commitment have made this season memorable and rewarding for everyone involved, and have been instrumental in our teams’ development and success. Their guidance extends beyond the field, shaping our students into well-rounded individuals and true Marist men. Thank you for all that you have done throughout the season…………..and enjoy a well-earned break before we go again in 2025!.


Strength and Conditioning – Mr Adam Earnshaw


Opens Rugby 

Coordinator – Mr Peter Gaiter 

Coaches – Mr Richard Graham, Mr Christopher Daykin, Mr Peter Gaiter, Mr Darren Kayrooz, Mr Peter Gaiter, Mr Glenn Wright, Mr Kabel Dawes, Mr David Drew, Dan Drew, Charlie Gardiner, Henry Gardiner, Cruz Day, Hunter James

Manager – Mr Mitch Reid


Year 10 Rugby

Coordinator – Mrs Liz Walsh

Coaches – Mr Peter Anderson, Shaun Anderson, Mr Simon O'Hare, Mr Brad Winchester, Mr Bill Prole, Mr Joe Coote, Will Ikin, Willem Michelmore, Kurt Roberts, Sova Hughes

Manager – Mr Nick Stallard


Year 9 Rugby

Coordinator – Mrs Melissa Deacon

Coaches – Mr David Meehan, Mr Tony Byrne, Mr Dean Collins , Mr Fletcher Tonkin, Mr Malachy Grealy, Will Andreas, Max Jorquera, Mr Ben Lee, Hamish Mortimer


Year 8 Rugby

Coordinator – Mrs Sharon Davidson

Coaches – Mr Charlie Taylor, Mr Patrick Conn, Mr Pierce Hardy, Ms Grace Ryan, Mr Matt Millward, Mr James Walton


Year 7 Rugby

Coordinator – Mr Damien Nelson

Coaches – Mr Michael Abbott, Mr Doug Perrers, Mr Angus Sutherland, Mr Tom Dangerfield, Mr Damien Nelson, Mr Francis Sevil, Oscar Burg, Will Collins, Mr John Milne


Year 6 Rugby

Coordinator – Mr John Lambourne

Coaches – Mr John Lambourne, Mr Bas Ward, Mr Bas Pelly, Mr Jim Midgley, Adam Burnell, Pat Jewell


Year 5 Rugby

Coordinator – Mr Anthony Graham

Coaches – Mr Anthony Graham, Mr James Trebbin, Ms Ella Graham, Mr Michael Jones, James Gurr


One of the defining features of this season was our commitment to ensuring every student had the opportunity to play a minimum of 50 minutes of rugby each weekend. The dedication to finding games for our students is a testament to our program's values and placing every student at the centre of the program.


The enjoyment and enthusiasm displayed by our players on and off the field was truly infectious. The camaraderie and sportsmanship the students exhibited towards their teammates created an environment that fostered personal growth, resilience, and lifelong friendships. The memories forged throughout this season will undoubtedly leave a positive mark on our students' as they move forward.


………thanks also must go to

I would also like to express my appreciation to all our stakeholders, including parents, volunteers, and administrators, who have played an integral role in ensuring the smooth running of our rugby program. 


Firstly, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to our extraordinary nurses in the Health Centre and our other medical teams. Led by Jane O’Shea and tremendously well supported by Rebecca Treston, Jenni Broad, Vonnie Reynolds and Eli Hotston. Your tireless efforts, exceptional expertise, and attentive care for our students have ensured that our boys were always well looked after. In what is already a challenging role, your determination and commitment to continually raising standards is a testament to everyone who works as part of our medical department.


Thank you to our community of exceptional referees. We are without doubt the envy of the competition with our team of referees willing to assist every weekend. Thank you to Mr Drew Meehan who coordinates and liaises with this great group of people. Well done to those young Marist men who made their referee debuts this season and will continue to add value to our rugby union program in the coming years.


To our outstanding marketing and content team led by Mrs Bethany Halpin and joined by Ellen Kassulke, Damien Zoomers, Antonia Svenson, Denver Jenson and Gower Productions. The bar has been continually raised over the past two seasons and you continue to challenge where we can go and what we can deliver. Through your creativity, dedication, and unwavering commitment, you have created an exceptional social media platform, delivered a wonderful Easter Rugby Camp, and hosted a very super Super Saturday!


We extend our heartfelt thanks to Antonia Svenson for your ongoing time and commitment to the rugby union program. Your tireless efforts in promoting our students and enhancing the profile of the entire rugby union program are deeply appreciated. Your care and expertise have showcased our participation, enjoyment, and achievements throughout the season. 


We must recognise our services team for their professional delivery of resources and facilities, and our groundsmen for their tireless efforts in preparing Queensland’s best playing fields each weekend. Mr Matt Tarlington, Mr Matt Darch and Mr Dane Rowe along with Mr Callum Clark and his team of Mr Michael Graham, Mr Kevin Carr, Mr Blake Mackay, Mr Kyle Gardiner, Mr Jordan Mchugh and Mr Wachirayan Sonsamrong. This season we have trained morning and afternoon in all conditions. Rain or shine, they ensured our fields were immaculate, providing our students with a safe and enjoyable environment to showcase their rugby skills. We are deeply grateful for their exceptional work in maintaining and presenting our rugby union facilities.


Thanks also to Mr Anthony Herbert and the GPS Rugby Club for allowing us to train on their fields. This has allowed each year level to have their own training space ensuring a better training experience. We are grateful for our relationship with the club and wish them all our best as they continue their season.


Thank you to our dedicated canteen staff Mrs Josie Loucas, Mrs Reo Jenner, Ms Jaqueline Lopez and Mr Rees Quan-sing, and the volunteers who support them. You consistently provide AIC’s best coffee and bacon burgers every Saturday morning! We appreciate your unwavering commitment and the important role you play in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment. Your friendly smiles and efficient service add greatly to the vibrant atmosphere and added to the overall game day experience here at the College. 


A special mention goes to Mr Eddie Wallace (AIC Executive Officer) and Mr Matt Millward (Marist Sports Administration) for their work in ensuring our students get games every weekend. We express our sincere gratitude to Mr Wallace for his dedication and the countless hours he invested in organising fixtures in a very challenging sporting landscape. Thanks to Mr Millward for his exceptional and timely administration skills.


Round 7 vs St Edmund’s College

It started with an early morning chill and some early morning buses. Nothing beats a road trip………….I am just not sure some of our boys were prepared for when the doors on the bus opened in Toowoomba. The gauge read 2.8 degrees at 8:00am and from all reports the first arriving teams asked the driver to close the doors. 


Well done to the five teams that made the trip up the range to take on Downlands College. In what previously was an annual pilgrimage for the rugby program, this year marked our first trip up for a number of seasons. Congratulations to our 8C, 9C, 10C and 4th XV teams for finishing the season with a win, whilst our Year 11 team fell to a close loss.


Back in Brisbane, the teams were scattered across the city. At Marist, at St Edmund’s College, at Villanova College, at Iona College, and at Nudgee College.


Congratulations to all the opens teams for finishing the season in great fashion. All teams were successful and all teams again playing Marist physical attacking rugby. All games were played in great spirit, showcasing some exceptional skills, great teamwork and a genuine camaraderie. It is a wonderful way to close out the season!


The Year 10’s were fantastic again and should be congratulated on their strength across the season. They were stretched with injuries, however their willingness to compete and deliver strong performances again on the weekend was a feature. Games at three different venues couldn’t dampen their spirits nor the style of rugby they are playing. Well done to you all!


It was wonderful to see 9A’s back on the winner’s sheet and similarly great to see the year level finish strongly. The Year 9 cohort have delivered the largest playing numbers and have been resilient through injuries and illness. The student’s approach on the weekend was again exceptional as evidenced by their results. Thank you and well done to all involved! 


The Year 8 teams have had a challenging season. Whilst the 8A’s have struggled in patches throughout the season, at the other end of the draw, the 8E’s were scheduled against some tough opposition in the early stages. It is a credit to the cohort that they have stuck together and proved that hard work and enjoyment will often turn things around. The weekend games proved that this group have made noticeable gains and will continue to improve.


The Year 7’s have been challenged with a lot of injuries recently, however well done to the coordinator, coaches and students for their progress and continued commitment. They played with determination and skill right throughout the season, often meeting opposition teams with larger bodies. It was wonderful to see all the teams finish the season with great Marist catch pass and an improvement in their technical skills.


The Year 6 cohort faced some logistical challenges, however they were navigated through calmly. Originally the 6B and 6C teams were scheduled for a 3-way encounter at Runcorn with the SLC 6B’s. Unfortunately, there was a scheduling mishap with the SLC 6B’s which meant another Marist vs Marist encounter. Well done and thank you to both teams! When the SLC 6B’s did turn up, the Marist 6B’s proved too strong in a very competitive and close match. The 6A’s suffered a close loss and again learned some valuable lessons along the way. 


With St Edmund’s College not yet having a primary school, the College were fortunate to find games against Iona College at home and Nudgee College away. The 5D, 5C and 6C teams all played on McMahon Oval and all had the experience of leaving the College changeroom and walking down the stairs of John Eales Grandstand. A superb way to finish the season and having refereed the 5D game at 8:00am, I could sense the excitement of playing on the College’s #1 field. A fantastic memory! 


Congratulations to the 5A’s and 6A’s who ventured out to Nudgee College. The 5A’s went down in a hard fought encounter to the NC11A’s, whilst the 6A’s also lost a tight game to the NC12B’s. 


Congratulations and thank you to all the students for their impressive displays on the field and also for the manner in which they maintained their standards off the field.


Marist Rugby Union – Social Media 



In 2024, the College continues to deliver some wonderful rugby memories through our social media pages. From the smallest bumblebees in Year 5 through to the biggest bumblebees in Year 12, all of it is captured in wonderful colour.


To stay connected with Marist Rugby and with all the program’s achievements, please follow our Instagram page @marist_ashgrove_rugby




Marist Track and Field

Mr Richard Graham – Director of Rugby / Track and Field

Mr Rob Martin – Head Coach, Track and Field


2024 Oceania Area Track and Field Championships

Congratulations to the following students for a successful 2024 Oceania Area Track and Field Championships -


Asher Parkin (Australia, U18, 2000m Steeplechase)

Isaiah Burgess (PNG, U18, Shot Put)

Jack Mahuru (PNG, U18, High Jump)

Jonathan Kirk (Fiji, U18, Shot Put)


Congratulations also to old boy and 2023 winning AIC Track and Field captain, Lee Martin.


In what has been an incredible story for four current Marist athletes and one old boy (Lee Martin, 2023), it was great to see these athletes develop and perform despite being in an international-level competition for the first time.


Asher Parkin ran a sensational tactical race and followed just behind the leader for most of the 2km steeplechase before closing in the final lap and just missing the gold by a narrow margin breaking the 6-minute mark. Asher's silver medal was a fantastic effort and one that should be commended, and built on his excellent track and cross-country season to date in 2024.


The performances by the field event students were also exceptional given this was their first time competing at this level. Their efforts and performances deserve praise. Jack Mahuru entered the High Jump competition for PNG against boys a year older than himself in the U18 competition. Clearing many of his early attempts, Jack finished the high jump in a very creditable 8th position and is eager to continue his development this season here at the College.


On Friday, the giants of the field events came out in the U18 and Open age groups shot put events with Marist well represented. In the U18 shot put both Marist athletes had slightly disrupted preparations but performed well with Jono Kirk finishing 9th representing the strong Fiji U18 team. While after a recent injury setback, Isaiah Burgess cracked into the Top 10 of this close competition, finishing in 10th position. Both boys will continue to develop realising their best throws are well within range of the top throwers in the Oceania region and are capable of making finals at this level.


Finally, to end the day, Marist Old Boy Lee Martin, representing the Regional Australia development team, entered his first major Open International meet against some of the heavyweights of shot put throwing. Moving through the field from 7th, Lee made the final ending in a magnificent 4th place just outside the medals.


Congratulations to our current Marist students representing their country at this meet. The manner in which they competed with intensity and also the way in which they supported the peer athletes from their home country. Seeing them all interact with new athletes from around the region will enhance their skills and create lifelong connections.


All four students realise they can compete at this level and will be far better athletes for the experience. Well done to these athletes and their coaches who have worked with them since 2023. We look forward to these boys backing up as the AIC season starts with the Inter House Carnival at the end of this week.


Lastly, a huge thank you to our Head Coach, Mr Rob Martin for his commitment to seeing these students reach their potential. He consistently goes above and beyond to provide our students with opportunities that very few could deliver. Well done Mr Martin!



Marist Track and Field – Inter House Carnival

I am excited to announce that this year’s Inter House Athletics Carnival will take place this Friday. Following last year's highly competitive championship events and a fun-filled round of novelty activities, Gilroy House emerged as the 2023 champions.


The pre-events have already begun with the U12-Opens Discus taking place on Monday and Tuesday. Tomorrow sees the All Ages 1500m along with another round of field events.


We look forward to another day of fantastic sportsmanship and house spirit!


Marist Track and Field – Sign On is open

This year Marist College are looking to win its 10th successive AIC Championship. Students wishing to be part of that unprecedented challenge, please sign on for Track and Field via Students Café. 


Marist Track and Field – Sunday Sessions

This year, Marist College with be looking to win its’ 10th successive AIC Track and Field Championship. To be successful, a lot of planning, commitment and effort goes into the program across the calendar year.


For all students wanting to train, Mr Rob Martin will continue to run his usual Sunday sessions. Please see below details - INCLUDED: Running – sprints and jumps / Throws – early pre-season fitness and cross training, along with throwing.

WHEN: Sunday afternoons

WHERE: Hayden OvalTIME: 3:15-4:45pm 

DRESS: Marist sport shirt, Marist sports shorts, white or blue socks.


Marist Track and Field – Social Media 



Marist College has continued to showcase incredible moments in Track and Field again this year, from Year 5 victories to exceptional feats by our Year 12 students, all vividly captured on our social media pages.


Follow us and stay up-to-date with Marist Track and Field on Instagram - @marist_ashgrove_sports


Mr Andrew Ward - Director of Tennis


Tennis News Around the Courts

As we wrap up the last week of our coaching term, a friendly reminder to all parents: Week 10 is dedicated exclusively to make-up lessons. This is the perfect opportunity for students who have missed sessions to catch up. Even though school concludes on Tuesday, we will be holding these make-up lessons from Wednesday to Friday, available throughout the day—no need to dance around school hours! Please reach out to Jade to book your lessons.




French Open Highlights:

I would like to emphasize to every student here at Marist the crucial importance of movement and preparation on the court.


In a delightful twist of fate, the best movers in the men's and women's games were crowned French Open Champions. Years of diligent footwork and meticulous attention to detail, honed from a young age, have paid off in grand style. A hearty congratulations to Iga Swiatek and Carlos Alcaraz!


Remember, every champion was once a beginner who refused to give up on their footwork drills. So, lace up those sneakers and let's keep moving!


Friday Fixtures and Prize Winner

Before we get to the congratulations, I want to take a moment to commend this year's champion for their selflessness and humility upon being awarded the title. Our winner truly exemplifies the Marist spirit with a gracious act toward the runner-up that left me both impressed and inspired.


Taking home the top prize, our champion received two Radical Head racquets valued at $250 each, a B12 racquet bag worth $179, and tins of balls and grips totaling $60—a prize package valued at over $700 if purchased separately. My goal was to equip one student thoroughly to aid in their tennis journey.


However, in a heartwarming display of sportsmanship, as soon as I presented all these goodies, our champion selflessly handed one of his racquets to the second-place finisher. This act of generosity speaks volumes about his character.


Congratulations to CHARLIE KELLY! You have demonstrated the true essence of being part of the Marist Community. You might not realize it yet, but our younger players are looking up to you with great respect for your noble gesture.


Charlie, thank you for setting such a stellar example. You’ve not only won the competition but also our hearts—one racquet at a time!


Upcoming Events

I would like to remind all students and parents about some exciting upcoming events.


Parent/Son Social Tournament Revival

I've had a few requests to bring back the much-loved Parent/Son social tournament. We're eyeing Term 4, most likely on a Sunday. If we gather enough interest, we'll definitely revive this fun-filled day. It's a fantastic opportunity to meet other parents and enjoy some quality networking. If you're interested, please let us know. Thank you in advance—let’s make it happen!


Primary Singles Tennis Tournament

Mark your calendars for the Primary Singles Tennis Tournament on June 14th from 3:30 to around 7:00 PM. Finals will take place on Monday, June 17th, at the same time. A sausage sizzle will be available for all student participants free of charge on both days. To enter, please email Entries close at 12:30 PM on Friday.


Team Announcements

Team lists for all year levels will be posted on Thursday, July 13th. The Opens team will be announced in Week 10. Stay tuned!


Trial Sessions for AIC for the Remainder of Term (Weeks 9)

Open Sessions:

  • Monday: 3:30 - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 3:30 - 5:00 PM

Year-Level Specific Sessions:

  • Year 8: Tuesday, 6:45 - 7:45 AM
  • Year 6: Tuesday, 7:15 - 8:15 AM
  • Year 5: Thursday, 7:15 - 8:15 AM
  • Year 7: Thursday, 5:00 - 6:00 PM
  • Year 9 & 10: Cancelled

For additional information, please contact Jade or myself via email at or me by phone at 0437 449 523.


Coaching for Term 3

We'll continue with squad sessions in Term 3, focusing on the Preparation Squad and Junior Development Squads.

A reminder for students selected to represent their year level in AIC: private coaching lessons are available at a discounted rate. The term fee is $275 for a half-hour lesson and $550 for an hour lesson. Lessons will continue until the final round of Term 3. We are taking bookings now, so be quick to get your preferred time slot!


Member Bookings

Jade has set up a bookings calendar for all members via the Think Smart App. Please book your court using this app. For any assistance, please contact Jade at


Super League News

The last week of Super League saw all our teams compete in either semi-finals or playoffs if they were not in the top four teams. Out of three teams reaching the semi-finals, two have successfully made it to the finals at Emerson on Saturday: MCA Masters Div 4 and MCA Meteors Div 5. Good luck to both teams!

Thank you to all other teams—enjoy the weekend off!


Team Nominations for Brisbane and Super League

Nominations for the second Brisbane and Super League competition for 2024 are now open. Be mindful of the demanding schedule, balancing AIC matches in the morning and fixtures in the afternoon. We recommend having at least three players per team to distribute the workload. For all team entries, please email We would love to see adults participating as well—it’s a great way for our younger players to find inspiration and heroes to look up to.

Nominations for teams need to be in to me no later than tomorrow which is the deadline for cut off.


Holiday Clinics

We're offering holiday clinics for students who are staying in town and want to engage in fun activities with games and prizes. These clinics are open to students from Marist and surrounding schools. Invite your friends for some enjoyable tennis sessions!

Clinics will run Monday to Wednesday from 8:00 - 11:00 AM on the following dates:

  • Clinic 1: June 24th - 26th
  • Clinic 2: July 1st - 3rd

The cost is $150 for three days or $60 per day.


AIC Clinics

We will also hold AIC clinics for boys selected to represent their year level. These will take place on the same dates as the general clinics but from 1:00 - 4:00 PM. The cost is $20 per day, and participation is capped at the first 24 students who register.

To book, please reference:

  • AIC Clinic 1: June 24th - 26th
  • AIC Clinic 2: July 1st - 3rd

For any inquiries, please contact us at 0437 449 523 or via email at


As always, if you need any clarification on anything tennis-related, you can contact me directly at 0437 449 523.

See you on the courts and happy hitting!