Careers @MMCRC

Kate Dwyer - Careers Coordinator

Year 10 Work Experience 

Last week our year 10 students completed their work experience. We would like to thank all the businesses that hosted the students. Having the opportunity to immerse themselves in a work environment is extremely beneficial in directing their pathways beyond school, as well as providing them with general life skills that they can take into their current and future jobs. This program would not be possible without so many businesses taking students on board, and for that we are extremely grateful. The list of businesses can be seen below. 


We had countless positive responses from the students about their experiences. A few of them can be seen below.


‘For work experience, I worked with Dave Zurma from Zurma Electricidal. I learnt how to run wires through a new house and change power points, switches and put in downlights. I think work experience is a great opportunity to trial and see if what you chose is something you would like to do in the future.’ – Samuel Johnson 


‘I completed work experience at Karmai Children's Centre in Korumburra. I learned how to properly give babies their bottles and burp them. My highlight was just spending lots of time with children and confirming how much I would like to work with kids in the future.’ – Lauren Sinclair 


‘I completed my placement at TK Building Solutions.  My highlight was doing the demolition for the bathroom renovations because I got to smash stuff. Doing placement was very beneficial for me because it made me realise that I want to become a Chippy’. – Maia Whiteside 


‘I did my work experience at the Wonthaggi hospital. I was able to work in different departments in the hospital including speech, dietitian, physio, dental, aged care. One of the things I learnt doing the work experience was how much of a team the hospital is, passing information on to one another to make sure that their workspace is up to date and well organised. The highlight of being at the hospital was doing physio with Andrew he was a very good teacher and was amazing with the patients. This work experience has helped me decide on what I would like to do in a hospital, I had an idea about working in the hospital I just didn’t know what section.’ – Ella Bogicevic 



Careers Expo Year 9 

On the 18th of June the year 9 students will be visiting Korumburra Indoor Recreation Centre to participate in a Careers Expo. There will be a ‘success integrated’ session to get students to think about their career goals and ambitions, followed by an expo where students can explore a variety of businesses, industries and education providers. 


NDIS Preparing for Pathways to Employment Post School Life June 2024