Around the College


Please register for the free immunization via the council as part of the National Immunization Programme. 


The links below detail how to register. 

The deadline is Monday, 17th June.



Year 7 Poetry

Year Ten Students Excel in Work Experience Program

This year, our Year Ten students have once again demonstrated remarkable enthusiasm and commitment through their participation in the annual work experience program. This initiative, which allows students to step outside the classroom and into real-world workplaces, has not only enriched their personal and professional development but also greatly enhanced our school’s reputation within the wider community. This benefits not just the year tens of 2024, but for all students at the College.


The work experience program provides students with a unique opportunity to explore potential career paths and gain invaluable insights into various industries. From local farms and businesses and retail outlets to professional offices and healthcare settings, our students have embraced diverse roles, demonstrating adaptability and a keen willingness to learn. Applying classroom knowledge in practical settings deepens their understanding of the working world and often sparks a newfound passion for their future careers.


Engaging in work experience fosters essential life skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Students have reported feeling more motivated and prepared to tackle challenges both inside and outside school. For many, this experience marks their first step into professional environments, equipping them with skills crucial for their future endeavors and allowing them to prototype their future pathways. Students not only learned about their specific fields but also improved their interpersonal skills, giving them a clearer vision of their future paths.


The work experience program strengthens the bond between our school and the local community. Employers who have hosted our students often commend their dedication and eagerness to contribute. This positive feedback not only reflects the quality of our students but also enhances the school’s standing in the community. Local businesses appreciate the fresh perspectives and energy that our students bring, creating mutually beneficial relationships that we are proud to foster.


The work experience program is a vital component of our approach in year ten, gaining new insights and fresh perspectives, fostering growth, building community ties, and prototyping futures. We are incredibly proud of our students' accomplishments and look forward to continuing this tradition of excellence in the years to come. - David Robinson, Wellbeing Leader - Year 10



Year 10 Theatre Studies 

Year 10 Theatre Studies students performed the play, The Mystery Project, to Year 7s. The style of theatre was Murder Mystery and Children’s Theatre and explored life in 1883 in Australia through the ghost of a young girl trying to solve the mystery of her death. It included puppetry, masks, sound effects and other Australian Gothic Theatre Elements. It also had a strong message of friendship and belonging, highlighted through the art of storytelling, history, literature, and oral language.  The year 10 students worked together collaboratively in the production roles of actor and lighting, set, sound and costume designer. - Laura Mauraty, Cultural Liaison


Science Extension Activity

On Wednesday, select Year 8 and 9 students participated in an exciting science activity: designing and building their own rubber band-powered cars


We kicked off the lesson with an introduction to the science behind these nifty little vehicles, learning how stored potential energy in a stretched rubber band can transform into kinetic energy to drive the cars forward. 


Then, the real fun began! In small, somewhat enthusiastic teams, students set out to design and construct cars using a selection of materials, each with a point value. Their goal? To build a car that could excel in one of three prize categories:

  1. 🏁 Speed: The fastest car on the track.
  2. 🏅 Distance: The car that travelled the farthest.
  3. 💰 Cost Efficiency: The car that used the least points.

With a flurry of ideas, sketches, and hands-on building, our students demonstrated amazing teamwork and problem-solving skills. Most groups got their cars rolling, while others had fantastic designs that needed a little more time to get moving.

Seeing every group give it their all and produce creative, functional designs was truly inspiring. Whether their cars zoomed across the finish line or stood proudly as works in progress, everyone learned valuable lessons about engineering and physics.


A big congratulations to all our participants and winners! Clara, Nimiya, Hayley, and Lily took the prize for distance. Lincoln and Andrew took the prizes for both speed and cost-efficiency. 


To all the teams, your hard work and determination were truly impressive! 


Check out the photos below to see the amazing creations and the fun we had! - Cassie Raschle, Learning & Teaching Leader - Science



Legal Studies Unit 3 Latrobe Valley Magistrates’ Court Excursion

On Tuesday 4th June, Legal Studies students from unit 3 took the mini bus across to Latrobe Valley to observe the day’s court hearings. The students got to observe an array of cases presided over by a Magistrate. The students were fantastic throughout the experience with much discussion about numerous areas of the criminal justice system occurring.


A big thanks to Mr Cox for driving the bus and coming along for the day!


Here are some student reflections from the day:

  • Going to the Magistrates court was a really fun experience. We got to see real cases unfold in the courtroom and have a feel for the role of the different legal practitioners in navigating the justice system. After, we were able to discuss the cases in detail and give our opinion of how it upholds the principles of justice: Fairness, Equality, and Access.
  • The excursion to the magistrates court was very entertaining and worthwhile. I learnt so much about the procedures in a courtroom and about the rehabilitation of those who have committed a crime.
  • The excursion to the magistrate’s court was very beneficial. We got to get a feel of what it was like in a real courtroom and witness real cases. We watched lawyers in action and were able to give our own perspectives on the cases we saw in a class discussion afterwards.
  • This excursion was really interesting and it was great being able to see court procedures taking place in person. We got to see a wide range of different cases and different outcomes and sanctions were imposed for each.
  • This excursion was very insightful. I found the way the court procedures were conducted was very surprising and different from what I thought it would be like.
  • I found the excursion very entertaining and informative. I learnt a lot about the processes of Court and the different forms of 
  • Attending the Magistrates court was a very informative and valuable opportunity for us to see the topics we had learnt over the course of the semester applied in society. We witnessed the roles of different careers that we are interested in pursuing a potential career from.  - Dinisty Francis, School Captain