
Dear Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College Community,


Year 7 2025 Enrolments

Currently, we have received 109 applications for Year 7 2025, and another 9 are in progress. As advised in our last Newsletter the numbers have already exceeded our expectations based on previous trends and current enrolments in Year 6 at the various primary schools in the area. We are very pleased with the interest from families in applying for a place in our Year 7 cohort for 2025. 


However, a key factor impacting the number of students we can accept is the capacity for students to be able to be placed on buses for transport to and from the College. Our bus network comprises a fleet we contract and buses managed by Leongatha Secondary College. This will not be a factor for every family applying but may be in some cases dependent on the bus route.


Therefore, while the due date was 31 May 2024, which has been advertised on our website, we will continue to accept applications. However, as a matter of justice, priority will be given to available places to those who have submitted their applications on time. 


We do not make assumptions regarding enrolments so formal applications must be completed for places in Year 7 next year. 


Finally, interviews will take place early next term and we will be communicating soon about the process to make an appointment to meet with senior staff to discuss your application.


Year 9 Camp

Last week we conducted our Year 9 camp at Camp Coolamatong. By all reports from staff, students, and families it was a great success. 


Thanks to Chris Spencer and Ben Stein for their organisation and leadership and to Jodie Connell who also supported the preparation. Thank you to all the staff who attended – Aliesha Wrigley, Melinda Stephan, Sally Newton, Michelle Hackett, Pat McCarthy, Stephen Ross-Bryant, Rosemary Drenen Robyn Scouller, Jodie Connell, and Julia Leslie.


VET Music Performance

The VCE/VET MUSIC Year 12 students had their first performance night on 5 June 2024.  Well done to: Katreena Poletti & Rebekah Ray – Guitar/Piano - Duo; Coby Fowles – Vocal - Solo; and Seth Wood – Digital Music – Solo.


This was an enjoyable evening of performances and I look forward to seeing their growth later next term.


Thank you to Beth Winterhalter and David Robinson for supporting the students.


Year 10 Work Experience

Work experience also took place last week so thank you to our Careers Team – Kate Dwyer, Cassie Raschle, Melissa Fuller, and Milly Ellen for their work with the support of David Robinson. 


Also, thank you to Jenny Damon who has worked tirelessly collating, checking, and recording all necessary compliance documentation.  Overall, this was a successful week with only four students not participating.


Finally, well done to all the students who participated. I am sure that this was a valuable learning experience.


Exams and GAT

This week we have been conducting our Year 11 exams and next week Year 10s will begin their exams.


Additionally, on Tuesday, 18 June 2024, the GAT will be undertaken by students studying Unit 3 and 4 VCE and VET subjects. The GAT will be conducted in two sessions. Section A assesses skills in literacy (reading and writing) and numeracy. Section B assesses general knowledge and skills in mathematics, science, technology, the arts, and humanities.


Thank you to Di Malloy for her leadership and organisation and all staff who have supported her.


Capital Works Project – Fencing

Last year we underwent our VRQA review. This was successfully completed, but we know there is always a need to continuously improve, particularly with matters relating to Child Safety and risk management. Accordingly, we engaged an external firm to review our current security, risk management, and child safety practices. 


The review did not report any significant issues of concern but did make several recommendations for further improvements. A key area identified was to continue with the level of fencing around the school and to ensure access to the College grounds, when students are on site, can only be via Front Reception. This work has now commenced and will be concluded early in term 3.


Thank you, Kaila Hutchinson, Leanne Soderlund, and Ken Myors for their work in planning and managing this important project.


School Saver Bonus

Thank you to all the families who have written to their local members regarding the School Saver Bonus not being available to all families with students at Catholic and independent schools. It is greatly appreciated.


Today I received the following email from Danny O’Brien MP, the Nationals State Member for Gippsland South:


Good Afternoon, I write regarding the recent announcement by the Allan Labor Government, contained in the 2024-25 Budget, to offer a $400 “School Saver Bonus” to all students in government schools, and eligible concession card holders at non-government schools. 


I was disappointed to see that Catholic and independent schools were excluded from this initiative. I understand that families at your school are not immune to cost-of-living pressures, and in many cases may feel them even more acutely than families who choose government schools. Please be assured that The Nationals will continue to advocate for families who choose faith-based or independent education for their children. 


The Nationals have established the “Fair School Bonus” campaign to put pressure on the Government to make the policy equitable across all school sectors. Families can sign the petition to show their support for a more equitable School Saving Bonus by visiting Please feel free to circulate these details on to your school community, who may wish to get behind this important campaign. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reply to this email - - or reach out to my office on 5144 1987.


Thanks in advance for your consideration of signing the petition indicated in the email from Danny O’Brien MP.


Staffing News 

Leonie Margetts finished her time at our College last Wednesday, 5 June 2024. Leonie has been a Learning Support Officer here since 2014. We thank Leonie for her care and support of our students during this time and wish her the best of success.


After consideration, Claire Cassidy advised that she would resign from her role as Year 7 Wellbeing Leader, which would allow her to focus on the important work she undertakes regarding her role as our Transition Coordinator.


Accordingly, we advertised the Year 7 Wellbeing Role internally and I am pleased to advise that Jessica Stein will commence in this role from Monday, 17 June 2024. Jess will continue in her current role as Inclusive Learning Pedagogy Leader and continue as the 7C Homeroom teacher. I thank Jess for her considered application and willingness to work with our students in this important role in the College.



Sapientia Domini Docet Nos

John M Freeman