Learning News 2/3

Mrs Ruth Anderson and Mrs Justine Harris

Year 1/2 students have  been amusing us in the maths unit of chance with their responses to ‘What are the chances of…’

  • Doing homework - impossible
  • Flying to the moon - likely
  • Eating vegetables tonight - highly unlikely
  • Staying up late - possible
  • Mum or Dad reading to me at night - certainty


In K-2 Religion we have enjoyed hearing about the story where Jesus feeds thousands of people with only two small baskets of bread and fish. We have had some quiet thinking time to imagine what that would have been like to witness.


This term, students in 2/3 have mastered their Reading Group activities which will either be increased in difficulty, swapped around, or changed. So next term the same format will be used but they can expect some new tasks appearing for their group.


We have been racing to finish the two books that we have been listening to - Mrs Anderson finished hers on Wednesday and Mrs Harris will have to do some speed reading to catch up.


Enjoy the holidays, be safe and we will look forward to seeing you next term.