
Mrs Deb McDouall

New Books

We have had a mammoth effort this week to get some new books processed and into the hands of our students. It's been wonderful to see that a lot of these new books have already gone home in library bags! We have added over one hundred new books to our shelves including picture books, novels and information books. We have also been able to purchase the short listed books for 2024 and look forward to introducing the students to these books next term.

A huge thank you to past St Joseph's students Ash and Bridge for spending two days of their school holidays helping out! 


Book Fair

Book Fair is back at St Joseph's! After a break of a few years we have decided it's time to run a book fair again in association with our Book Week celebrations for 2024. This will be set up in the hall and it will be open throughout Book Week for purchasing. All profits will benefit our school; keep an eye out in future newsletters for opening times.