General Information

3 Way Learning Conferences

Week 2 next term we will conduct our Semester 2  3 Way Learning Conferences. The schedule has been put on our Compass platform for you to choose a time that suits you. This again is a great opportunity for you to sit down with your child's teacher and discuss your child's current learning goals.

Dental Visit

In Term 3 Week 5 (22nd and 23rd of August) we are lucky to have GMD Mobile Dental Clinic come to our school to visit. Information/Permission forms will be sent home closer to the date.


Toastie Thursday is Back!

During the colder months the option is there for your child to have a toasted sandwich on Thursdays.  

If they would like to you just need to send their sandwich that is suitable for toasting wrapped in baking paper with their name written on it for them to enjoy.


Labelling of Uniform Items

As the weather is cooling down, we are seeing many jumpers and jackets left behind. It is impossible to return items that are unreadable or not labelled at all. Your assistance in labelling ALL uniform items and food containers is much appreciated.    

Communication with the Principal or Classroom Teachers

Parents are always welcome to discuss any matters with the classroom teachers or the Principal. However, as their time out of class is limited, it is essential to make an appointment. This can be done through the office or via the Compass App by clicking 'Send email to [your child's name] teacher.'