Principals' Message

Mrs Dominica Bearman

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to the end Week 10 and the final newsletter for the term. It's been another busy and productive term with lots of learning, events and hard work by the students and our fabulous staff.  We hope you all enjoy the school holiday break with family and friends - stay safe and stay warm.



Our Semester 1 reports went out on Tuesday via Compass and your child has also taken home a paper copy. This is a great snapshot of the progress your child has made in the first half of the year. 


3 Way Learning Conferences

Week 2 next term we will conduct our Semester 2  3 Way Learning Conferences. The schedule has been put on our Compass platform for you to choose a time that suits you. This again is a great opportunity for you to sit down with your child's teacher and discuss your child's current learning goals.


2025 Kindergarten Interviews

Over the past couple of weeks, myself and the leadership team have meet with some of our 2025 Kindergarten students. It has been fantastic to show them around our school and for them to become more familiar with the school surrounds.

Next term we will commence our transition program. Please see the flyer below for the exact days and times.



St Joseph's will be celebrating NAIDOC Week this week. This year's theme is 'Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud.' The students have been working alongside Ms Rhodes to break down and understand what the theme means to them.  Yesterday we will lucky enough to participate in a day of cultural activities. We began the day with a whole school liturgy, followed by rotations including; weaving, sandclay, painting and sand art and dreaming games. 



Over the past weeks, we have been working closely with the Armidale Catholic Schools Office to tighten our approaches to student attendance. We ask that families continue encouraging their children to attend school daily. The impact of having days off is visible in the children’s learning outcomes and continues through their life choices in years to come. The following tables show the data on missing school.

The best gift you can give your child is a good education. Allowing children to have a day or two off does nothing for their future life choices. Obviously, sick days are taken into account. At St Joseph's Primary School, we want to create literate, numerate students for a hope-filled future. So, let’s work together to make every day count.