FoOLSS (Friends of Our Lady Star of the Sea)

New email address
We now have a new email address for Friends of Our Lady Star of the Sea- if you have any queries, questions or information please do not hesitate to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
- Email address:
2nd Hand Uniforms
Due to some changes in DOSCEL protocols we are no longer able to administer and the sale of second hand uniforms between families. So that it is possible for parents to still buy and sell their second hand uniforms FoOLSS have set up a 2nd Hand Uniform Facebook Group: OLSS second hand uniforms.
A couple of wonderful parents have agreed to be the administrators of this page.
If you wish to sell something- please add a photo and the price.
If you would like to buy something you can post 'Wanted to buy Size 6 sports top' etc
Purchaser and seller can then message to arrange collection etc
Any second hand uniforms that have been donated to the school will still be available to purchase through the school office.
Sausage Sizzle Lunch
Next Friday (the last day of term) we will be hosting a sausage sizzle lunch for the students. $3 will buy you a sausage in bread and a cookie. Orders must be placed prior to the day via CDF Pay. All profits will go towards our new playground. We are still in need of some helpers on the day- if you are able to help please let Jess or Tahlia know ASAP.
Last Meeting:
Thanks to everyone who made it to our Friends of Our Lady Star of the Sea (FoOLSS) meeting last week.
Some of the key points discussed were:
- Holding a sausage sizzle lunch for students on the last day of term- more helpers are needed if anyone is available!
- Holding a colour run and trivia night again this year
- Holding a disco during term 3
- the setting up of OLSS buy, sell and swap Facebook page for the sale of second hand uniforms
- Creating our own FoOLSS logo and email address and who to contact if you are interested in joining or helping out at events