Jackson Termly - Term 3 Key Dates

The whole school calendar has been updated for 2024 and can be accessed through Xuno or by clicking this link.
Please ensure you look at the whole school calendar before booking any
excursions/incursions or any other events to ensure we have not double-booked any event.
If you have a new event, excursion/incursion or any other calendar date, please ensure you add the event to the correct layer of the whole school calendar.
If you need assistance in revising or entering a new event/excursion/incursion into the whole school calendar, please see Jo Garofalo.
The 2024 Termly is available by clicking this link.
Please note the termly is for planning purposes only and should not be used in place of the whole school calendar through Xuno.
Term 3 2024
Monday 15th July | First Day of Term 3 for Staff & Students |
Friday 19th July | Whole School Assembly |
Monday 22nd July | School Review - Day 1 |
Tuesday 23rd July | Year 10 Immunisations |
Thursday 25th July | School Review - Day 2 100 Days of Prep |
Monday 29th July - Wednesday 31st July | SSG Meetings After School - 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Each Day |
Friday 2nd August | Principal's Day - Pancake Breakfast for all Staff School Review - Day 3 |
Monday 5th August - Thursday 8th August | Year 3/4 Intensive Swimming Program (9:45 am - 10:30 am) |
Wednesday 7th August | School Review - Day 4 |
Friday 9th August | Term 3 ILPs Due Sports Day (Olympics) Staff Night Out - Christmas in July |
Monday 12th August - Friday 16th August | Year 3/4 Intensive Swimming Program (9:45 am - 10:30 am) |
Friday 16th August | Term 3 ILPs Published to Families Year 9-12 Formal (6:00 pm - 9:00 pm) |
Monday 19th August - Thursday 22nd August | Book & Literacy and Numeracy Week Year Prep-2 Intensive Swimming Program |
Tuesday 20th August | School Council Meeting - 6:30 pm - Webex |
Friday 23rd August | Book Week Dress Up Day & Assembly |
Monday 26th August - Friday 30th August | Staff Wellbeing Week Year Prep-2 Intensive Swimming Program |
Friday 30th August | Staff Night Out - Amazing Race |
Tuesday 3rd September | PLT Leaders Planning Day |
Wednesday 4th September | Leadership Planning Day |
Friday 6th September | Foundation Late Night / Year 3/4 Sleepover |
Monday 9th September - Friday 13th September | Planning Week |
Thursday 12th September | RUOK Day - Sausage Sizzle for Staff & Students |
Tuesday 17th September | School Council Meeting - 6:30 pm - Webex |
Friday 20th September | Last Day of Term 3 Footy Colours Day & Footy Game Period 3 & 4 Achievement Assembly Periods 1 & 2 |