Disability Inclusion

Disability Inclusion Reform
We have now submitted the majority of our Disability Inclusion Profiles for allocation with the Disability Inclusion Facilitator Service where they will allocate our students who are required to have their Disability Inclusion Profile meeting (DIPM) this year.
The DIPM will run like an Student Support Group (SSG) meeting with a minimum of:
- Principal/Nominee (a member of Leadership)
- The Classroom Teacher
- Parent/Carer
- Student (if appropriate)
Other school-based specialists will also join the discussion for relevant sections if they are directly involved with the student. Classroom Teachers will be released for their meeting which should run for around 90 mins to two hours.
Teacher's role in the Disability Inclusion Profile meeting
At the meeting, teachers will be responsible for:
- providing information about the student’s learning, social engagement, and participation
- discussing current and potential adjustments
- providing student voice in the process, where appropriate
- providing information on student’s progress.
It is best practice for the teacher that attends the profile meeting to gather information from the student’s other teachers so that they have a comprehensive understanding of the student’s functional needs. A profile preparation tool (DOCX) is available to support schools in collecting information about the student from multiple teachers and other relevant staff. This tool has been developed specifically for secondary schools but can be used by all schools as needed.
To watch an example of a Disability Inclusion Profile meeting, click the video below:
At the Disability Inclusion Profile meeting we will discuss the 6 Domains and 31 Activities that make up the Disability Inclusion Domain Table are shown in the table below. Click on the table below to access the updated Supporting Information Guidance for Schools.
Click here to view our new Disability Inclusion Judgement Tool. You may find this useful as a pre-assessment prior to your DIPM. Please note, once the Home Button is selected it will delete selections and start a new student judgement. To print your selections, highlight or select all text, print to PDF or copy and paste to desired location.
As discussed in your Jackson Learner Case Management Meetings, the facilitator will ask the Student Support Group the Level of Adjustment for each activity. Only Substantial and Extensive are funded.
To download the Jackson School Disability Inclusion Domain Table, please click on the button below:
For more information, please visit: https://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/teachers/learningneeds/Pages/disability-inclusion.aspx
SSGs Changes
In consultation with School Council, our Staff Consultative Committee and feedback collected from our families, we are changing the way we deliver SSGs to increase the meeting times to 30 minutes. This will support with our evidence collection for the new Disability Inclusion process and time-in-lieu requirements of staff. SSG meetings will now be offered over three evenings after school (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) in Week 3 of a term from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. These will be offered in-person, virtually or over the phone to suit family's circumstances. Further information about this will be sent home early in Term 3. We will seek feedback from the community following this round of SS