Teaching & Learning News

Ms Olive's MC students lending a hand at the Tenterfield Railway Museum every Wednesday.
Congratulations Tristan!!
Year 10 student, Tristan Smith, has been attending work experience every Monday with Peter Lewis learning how to make fishing lures. Look at how great the lures are that he has made!!! Tristan plans to set up his own business one day!
Our Year 7’s are responding positively to our reading program in English. THS have consistently shown improvement in Naplan and Check-in reading results, with improvements significantly above state average.
Technology Woodwork
Mr Sproule's Year 7 students having some fun making Pencil Boxes in woodwork!
Mr Sproule's Year 8 Technology Wood students have been busy at work creating these trinket box master pieces! Incredible work Year 8, well done.
Mr Sproule's Year 9/10 Technology Wood students showing off their projects. Excellent work everyone.
Visual Arts
Well done to Mr Caisleys year 9/10 Visual Arts class who are doing some great work on monuments and landscapes.
Mr Armstrong's Year 7 Science class mastering the stereo microscope whilst investigating the features of living organisms.
Mr Clay's Year 8 Science class learning how to dissect heart & kidney in their lesson.
Mr Clay's Year 8 Body System task. Students enjoyed the outdoors & did chalk drawings in the cola as well as hand drawn diagrams.
Dark Emu Aboriginal Food Day
During Term 2 Year 8 English has been studying Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe. This text deals with the farming, hunting, gathering and food storage practices of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia as observed in a variety of textual records such as paintings, diary entries, observations and reports. We then complimented this with the creation of a pamphlet outlining Bush tucker items in the categories of plant, animal, saltwater fish, freshwater fish, crustaceans and shellfish, and watched some of the Bush Tucker Man, the 1980s ABC documentary.
Our activity for Naidoc Week, which falls this year in the school holidays, was to have a Bush Tucker Lunch. Below we have the full menu. All bush tucker foods were sourced from commercial sources, and the Aboriginal jams, relishes and rubs were all sources from two Aboriginal owned companies in QLD and the NT.
A special item was the Emu eggs sourced by Mrs Roxanne Bancroft-Stuart, and the display of egg blowing by Kirah Johnston. Roxanne also made 3 dampers, including a mixed aboriginal spice damper (I thought it tasted like a really expensive Easter bun without fruit), a Lemon-Myrtle and wattleseed damper and the traditional damper. We had 10 different types of Bush Tucker jams to try on these delicious dampers!
It was a fantastic event, with students eating everything in sight!
Students stepped up in every way, demonstrating a willingness to try a variety of Bush Tucker items, helping set up, cook and clean up after themselves!
Lunch Menu
Kangaroo Steaks in Native Bush Dukkah Rub
Kangaroo Steaks with Desert Dukkah Rub
Pork spare ribs with Kakalla Relish (This relish was to die for!)
Pork spare ribs with Davidson plum Rub
Afters Menu
Damper with Kakadu Plum & Blackcurrant jam
Damper with Green Ant Marmalade
Damper with Bush Apple jam
Damper with Quandong & Rhubarb jam
Damper with Wild Rosella & Strawberry jam
Damper with Muntries Apple jam
Damper with Lemon Myrtle & Raspberry jam
Ice cream/custard & Toasted Macadamias
Bush Tea
Tea and Lemon Myrtle
Year 12 Photography Lifeskills
Year 12 Photography Lifeskills students have been busy practicing their skills and knowledge of the camera to produce a range of experimental and creative images. As well as appearing in the newsletter, a selection of their work will appear in an exhibition.
Students are encouraged to experiment with camera settings to control such things as lighting, contrast and depth of field. They are also encouraged to experiment with and apply compositional techniques and theory. All of these elements go toward telling a story and to guide the audience into seeing things from the photographer's perspective.
Completing set and personal tasks according to themes and essential outcomes are the vehicles of self-expression, exposing how the world is viewed and isolating the subject. Keeping this in mind, the following examples show that students have been able to achieve this well. The themes used in the following photos include school view, pattern/repetition, up close & personal, figure in motion, portrait, macro & depth of field.