Principals Report

Ms Stephanie Scott

Welcome to our last newsletter for the term! It was fantastic to see so many families join us at our formal assembly this week. Celebrating the successes of the term and acknowledging those students who have achieved their personal best, worked consistently throughout the term or shown improvement was a wonderful way to conclude the term. Please enjoy the individual photos of award recipients in this edition. As I say at nearly every formal assembly, I love that these awards are accessible to everyone; it is not about being the best but rather achieving your personal best. 


I have nearly finished proofreading all of the 7 - 10 reports so they can be published on the sentral parent app by the end of the week. Following this there will be an opportunity to talk to your child's teachers at parent teacher interviews early next term. Please look out for more information regarding bookings at the beginning of next term. Subject selection information for Yr 10's and their families will also be held on the same night. 


It was wonderful to welcome our Year 6 students for their first transition visit last week. Our Year 7 numbers for 2025 are looking very healthy and it is great to see students from a range of schools coming next year. You may be able to pick out the different uniforms in the photos, but so far, we have students from TSHPMPS, St Josephs, Jennings, Wallangarra and Drake. We're looking forward to seeing Yr 6 again next term for some more transition visits.


Today I attended our first Naidoc event - with Mr Woodrow's indigenous cooking on display. Students and staff were treated to a range of indigenous food and drinks such as kangaroo, damper, tea and even emu eggs! A big thank you to Roxy for supplying the emu eggs and cooking the damper.  Next term students will experience more activities in each of their subjects as we celebrate Naidoc week. We look forward to sharing these pictures with you. 


It has been another busy but very successful term of teaching, learning and extra curriculum opportunities for our students. Thank you for your continued support and I hope everyone has a safe and well-earned holiday.